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"So? Is it true?" you questioned Joseph, holding your umbrella in one hand and Jotaro's hand in the other

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"So? Is it true?" you questioned Joseph, holding your umbrella in one hand and Jotaro's hand in the other. "The other two are doing good?"

"Yes," he responded, "None of Avdol's major arteries were wounded, so if we're lucky, we'll see him tomorrow. Unfortunately for Kakyion, his were much more serious. There's a possibility of him going blind."

"I'm worried about him," Polnareff said. 

"I hate to say it, but we might have to leave him behind," Jotaro said. Before you could argue against that thought, the five of you stopped. 

"Hey, look at all these cafes," Polnareff pointed out. "We could all use a break. Let's get a drink."

"Sounds good," Joseph replied. "Which one?"

"Hmm..." Polnareff pulled out his cigarette and flung it on the ground. When it fell, he pointed to the cafe it fell toward. "That one."

"'Maxim'... Well, I suppose that's a good enough pick as any," you spoke.

You all entered the establishment, and finding a seat that was able to have all four of you sit down was much easier than the usual six. Iggy sat on your lap and you were able to put away the umbrella for once, so already, you were feeling comfortable.

The waiter approached the table. "Welcome. What would you like?"

"Let's see... How about some tea?" Polnareff suggested.

You nodded. "I could go for some tea." You looked towards Jotaro and Joseph.

"Same," Jotaro said. As for Joseph, he just nodded in response.

"Yes, sir. Four teas, coming right up." The waiter walked off, but Joseph stopped him.

"No, scratch that." You raised a brow toward him. "Listen, we're in enemy territory. This is Dio's dominion. Who knows when our enemies will attack? We have to be more cautious. Someone could easily poison us. From now, we drink only out of cans and bottles."

"Ugh, so much sugar..." you uttered. "My father would roll over in his grave if he knew how much soda I'm about to ingest. Although..." You turned to the waiter. "Instead, let's do one mineral water and three Cokes."

He turned his head. "Coke? Mineral water?"

"Yeah. Something wrong?" Jotaro questioned. 

"No. Okay, um, Coke and mineral water, right?"

Joseph nodded. 

"Okay, three bottles of Coke and one of mineral water then." He walked off.

"Oh, and we'll open them ourselves. Please give me the third, fourth, and fifth from the right. As for the mineral water, she'll have the seventh bottle."

Sacrificial Strength - A Jotaro Kujo x Reader FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat