"What the hell happened to her?" Liv questioned walking into her living room pointing to Harley. She was dressed in something similar to the last time she had seen her, she was always dressed like that as if it came with part of the job, this time she had a black stylish vest top on showing off her tattooed arms. "Next time you're planning on killing someone, just look around first. That's why you've got a damn investigation going on against you!" Liv shook her head at Rea rolling her eyes as Harley frowned wondering why Rea wasn't terrified of speaking her mind to Liv.

From what she had seen the past few days everyone else was, there was just a select few that weren't and Rea was definitely one of them, coming in with slaps as she screamed at her. "Oh we both know he's got nothing that will stick." Liv stated looking to her phone again as Rea pounced up grabbing it off of her.

"You want her to know you care, act like it. Stop being the boss for a second Liv and maybe take care of the woman you're clearly in love with."

"I heard that." Harley groaned out grabbing her stomach as Liv shook her head frowning at her. "Yeah, I think she might have food poisoin so you can deal with that... while I deal with Christian, then take care of her father." She grabbed her phone back from Rea's hand.

"You hurt my father and I'll never forgive you." Harley stated locking eyes with Liv who smiled at her. "You're not going to forgive me anyway." Liv said as Harley frowned at her suddenly fearing for her father's life. "Liv." Rea warned as Liv raised her eyebrows at her telling her enough before walking off.

"She's not really going to kill my father, is she?" Harley questioned with fear as Rea let out a sigh shaking her head. "I wish I could tell you no, that she's kidding, but he is a threat to her and her business and she usually takes care of them pretty quickly, your father has had a longer run than most."

Harley let out a sigh as she let her head fall back onto the couch as tears began to roll down her face once again. "I want out, I want out now. I want to wake up and have this all be some horrible nightmare."

"Wake up and have a normal Liv back like you did last week?" Harley shook her head looking into Rea's eyes. "No, I want the last two months to be a nightmare that I can wake up from. I wish I never met her Rea, I really do."

"Hun that's just the anger talking, once you calm down. You'll feel different."

"How can I when she's threatening to kill my father?" Harley questioned as Rea nodded. "Okay you have a point." Rea stated letting out a sigh unsure how to help the situation as Amelia walked into the living room talking with Nick and Myla. "So, he was last at Harley's place?" Amelia questioned. "Yeah which kind of makes me think that Christian might..." Amelia and Myla let out a sigh shaking there heads as Harley frowned.

"What are you guys talking about?" Rea questioned as Nick and Amelia smiled at Harley happy to see she was doing better. She hadn't seen many people that she actually knew here besides Liv, but anytime she seen her when she was alone she ducked into another room as she still wasn't completely comfortable being alone with her.

"We think Christian might have Seth." Harley stood up quickly, too quickly. "What!? Oh no." She said grabbing her stomach feeling sick once again as Rea pulled her back down. "Stay down. What?" Rea questioned as Liv walked back into the living room screaming. "Oh my head already hurts." Harley cried as they all frowned.

"You know you should really see a therapist." Liv stated over the phone as Rea frowned at her. "Because you clearly don't take rejection well!" She screamed as Rea smirked trying not to laugh. "Oh, I think I'm going to be sick again."

"You better not be pregnant." Rea added walking towards her just as a phone went flying in front of her smashing against the wall. "That's the fifth one this month."

"He pisses me off!" She screamed as a man came out of no where handing her another phone. "Can I get that service with alcohol?" Harley questioned. "Why? So you can be sick twenty-four-seven. No." Liv stated. "Well I'm sorry watching you kill a guy made me feel ill!" She screamed at her as everyone, but Rea's eyes widened.

"Oh shit." Nick stated as Liv flashed him a look of anger. "Yeah, we'll get on tracking Seth." He added clearing his throat as they left the room. Liv looked to Rea who raised her eyebrows. "I don't think she feels safe being alone with you just yet."

"Leave." Liv ordered as Rea took a deep breath in looking to Harley whispering sorry, there was certain times she couldn't fight Liv. "Oh you going to shoot me too now?" She questioned with a frown as Liv walked in front of her leaning down, placing her hand onto the couch staring into her eyes, inches away from her. "You can talk to me like that when it's just us... when my people around you, you don't ever speak to me like that." She warned her as Harley smirked.

"What happened to... you don't need to fear me?"

"You don't!"

"Well then I should get to talk to you how I like!" She screamed as Liv took a deep breath in once again as her phone began to ring. "What!?" She answered it harshly standing up straight.

"Christi..." She looked deep in thought for a minute. "Why would I care if you killed him?" Harley looked up at her with worry. "I hate the idiot."

"Liv if you let Seth die... I swear to god you'll see my mean streak." Liv raised her right eyebrow kind of wanting to see it, but she knew if she let Seth die, Harley would hate her forever the same way if she killed her father. She knew she would need to figure out another way of dealing with him.

"What do you want in return?" She questioned as Harley let out a sigh of relief before Liv hung up her phone looking down to Harley seeing the colour coming back into her face revealing that it was seeing someone being murdered that made her sick.

"Is he going to give Seth back?" Liv nodded. "He'll drop him off in an alleyway."

"For what in return?" Liv frowned slightly. "Why do you care? You get your idiot boyfriend back." She stated walking away from her as Harley let out a sigh wanting to burst into tears once again.

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