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He was on his knees groaning in pain and I jumped up, grabbing my car keys which flew out of my hand when he knocked me down. Luckily my bag was still strapped around my shoulders so I didn't need to search for that.

I unlocked the car door and jumped in, quickly slamming and locking the door. Then I started the engine and reversed as quickly as I could. Though, when I left the parking lot, I turned left instead of right, leading me away from our apartment. I didn't want to risk the possibility of Michael following me and finding out where I lived. That is if he didn't already know.

I followed a different route home and on my way,
I dug through my bag to find my phone and called Ermanno.

"Hello, Fiore," he said when he answered the phone. I wasn't late yet, so he had no reason to worry. The entire exchange between Michael and me lasted less than ten minutes.

"Michael found me," I said, my voice shaky and faint.

"Where are you?" His voice has quickly changed from caring husband to dangerous huntsman.

"I'm taking the back way home from the bookstore. He's not following me." My eyes had been glued to the rearview mirror.

"I'm leaving the apartment now. Was he still at the store when you left?" His voice scared me. I knew what he was going to do, but I didn't want him to leave. I needed him to hold me.

"Yes, but please don't go Ermanno. I need you."

"Ansley," he started but I ignored him.

"No. Don't go, Ermanno. Please."

"I'll stay," he said, reluctantly. I knew he wanted to get to Michael. To hurt him like he hurt me. I loved and appreciated my husband's desire to protect me, but I couldn't be without him. I needed him to wrap his arms around me and hold me.

I heard him making a call on his other phone. It was to Arsenio. I heard him tell his friend what had happened.

"Arsenio is going to the store," he said after their quick call ended.

"I heard," I said, feeling some sense of relief.

Ermanno stayed on the phone with me until I pulled into the parking lot of our apartment. He ripped my car door open and scooped me up into his arms. He quickly scanned the area before shutting the car door and carrying me inside.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" He asked when he put me on my feet in the living room. His face was cold as stone and his eyes were on fire with wrath. 

My underwear, which Michael had ripped off me, pooled around my feet when he placed me on the ground. This caught Ermanno's attention, and he released the most guttural, murderous, growl-like sound from the back of his throat that I'd ever heard.

He sunk to his knees and grabbed my underwear, looking at them before hiking my dress up my legs.

"He didn't, Ermanno. He tried to, but I stopped him," I hurried to say.

An audible sigh of relief escaped him, but he continued his search up and down my legs, stopping at my right leg where dried-up cum remained.

"I need to take a shower," I said, hearing my voice wobble as I spoke the words.

He dropped my dress and stood up, following me to the bathroom. We both undressed and I immediately grabbed a loofah and poured my shower jell onto it. I scrubbed my legs until they were raw, especially my right calf and knee where Michael came on me.

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