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Ermanno's POV

My heart clenched painfully and my stomach felt sick as Ansley cried in my arms.

"Ansley?" I asked. "Fiore, tell me what is wrong." I didn't like seeing her that way.

"I don't know how I can raise her, Ermanno. I have no insurance, I won't be able to pay the hospital bills for giving birth. I can't afford daycare, so I won't be able to work for Dorothy." Her voice was shaky as she spoke and a few more tears fell from my eyes, but I wiped them away with my thumbs.

"Shhh, Fiore. You will be fine." I tried my best to comfort her, but she was overwhelmed with anxiety.

"No, I won't be. The hospital bills alone will ruin me. And if something goes wrong and Violet or I need extra help..." Her expression was one of defeat and I hated to see it. She was strong and resilient, not weak. I wouldn't let her surrender to her thoughts.

"I will help you," I said. I would pay for everything, ensure she and Violet had the best medical care, and make sure Violet was taken care of so Ansley could work. I wouldn't abandon them.

"It's my problem, my responsibility, not yours." Her voice was thick with emotion.

"I know it's your responsibility. It's also your responsibility to provide for Violet to the best of your abilities. You won't be able to do that if you're drowning in debt."

She took a second to respond and I could practically feel the dark thoughts rolling in her mind.

"I won't let you pay for that."

"Marry me."

I blurted the words out almost without even considering them. The idea of marriage had entered my mind and I immediately spoke it aloud to her. I shocked myself even with the vigor with which I said it.

But I meant it.


"Marry me, Ansley," I said again.

Her mouth fell open as she stared at me, seemingly shocked that I had asked that of her.

"If you won't let me pay to ensure that you and Violet are taken care of, marry me, and allow my insurance to pay for it."

That was why I would marry her, to provide for and support her and her daughter. I wouldn't allow either of them to suffer because of her circumstances. She was building a life for herself and her daughter and I wanted to support her in every way I could.

That was the only reason.

Not because my chest foolishly warmed at the thought of her becoming my wife, of having her at my side for the rest of time.

No, all thoughts of marriage founded in love had been obliterated along with Jess.

She rolled words over in her mouth and had a few false starts before shaking her head. "I'm not going to marry you, Ermanno."

"Why not? Give me a reason?" Marriage to me would solve all of her problems. I understood her desire and her need to be independent after having been trapped in her abusive marriage, but I could provide for her. I wanted to provide for her. If she would let me.

"You- I- because- Ermanno. My life isn't your problem. I'm not going to burden you with marriage."

"I wouldn't have asked if I thought you and Violet were a burden to me." 

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