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Two weeks later

Ermanno's POV

"Here grandma," I said as I walked to the front desk.

"What's this?"

"I told you I was bringing you the cake Eloise made for you."

"I know but I didn't know you meant the whole cake!" She said but happily took it from my hands. "I love that girl. How are she and the baby?"

"She's good, so is Coda. He's putting up a fight going to sleep at night though."

"Your father was the same way," she said. "And so were you."

I scanned the book store, looking for a girl I hadn't heard from in two weeks. Her silence was understandable. I had been rude to her.

I thought I wanted her silence rather than a friendship with her, but I was beginning to realize I might have been mistaken. Me every waking thought was about her. At night, she consumed my dreams. I looked forward to a call from her, asking me to help her with something. But that call never came.

I missed her.

"Where's Anna?"

"Oh, she's not coming in for the next few days. She passed out last night, so I'm making her stay home and rest."

"Is she okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Yes, they're both fine, thankfully. She hadn't been eating enough and her blood sugar was very low, which caused her to pass out."

I hadn't realized how nervous I was that she or the baby were unhealthy until the overwhelming sense of relief washed over me. She was okay, so was the baby. Good.

"That's good," I said.

"I know. She works too hard. Eight hours a day, seven days a week, all while pregnant. I wish she would take better care of herself."

I did too.

"She wants the money for the baby. She won't turn away working if it means a better life for the kid."

Dorothy's shoulders dropped and she sighed. "I wish I could pay her the same amount to keep her home, at least on the weekends, but I can't afford that."

"I'll give you the money."

"I can't ask you to do that, Ermanno."

"You aren't asking me. I'm offering it to you. You care for her a lot like she's one of your own. I know you want her to look out for herself, this is how you can do that. I'll give you the money, so you can pay her the same wages to take at least two days off a week."

My grandma's lip quivered as she thought over my proposal before she wrapped me in a hug. "You're such a good man, my sweet boy. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ansley's POV

I rolled off the couch when I heard a knock at my front door. I quietly stepped to the door and peered out of the peephole before my shoulders relaxed. It was only Ermanno.

Then I tensed up once more. Why was he here? We hadn't spoken in two weeks. I pulled the door open some, not enough to invite him inside, but enough to talk to him.

"Um, hi."

"Dorothy told me you passed out last night. Are you okay?"

I was taken aback by his question. Why had he come to my house to check up on me? Surely Dorothy would've told him I was fine.

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