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Walnut was Walnut no longer. She was Violet Parker. I taped the sonogram pictures up on my fridge next to the older ones. I couldn't believe that in only 21 weeks, I would be a mother. It seemed surreal.

I gently patted my stomach as I worked around the kitchen, cleaning it up. Having weekends off truly has made a difference. It was nice to have a break in the week. Not to say I didn't love working at the bookstore, I did, but a break every now and then was welcomed.

"Hello?" I answered the phone when Eloise called.

"Hey," her voice was a bit hesitant. "How have you been?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm okay. I'm truly sorry about what I said to you. After the guys found what they did, Arsenio was suspicious and wouldn't let me see you. It wasn't my decision, but I'm so sorry that I hurt you."

I took a second to gather my thoughts before responding. "I understand, Eloise. I was upset initially, but when Ermanno told me why, I couldn't be upset with you anymore. I understand. My background was a bit suspicious."

"I'm sorry... Ansley." I smiled at her use of my name, happy that I didn't have to maintain a fake persona anymore.

"It's okay, I forgive you."

"Thank you. I was wondering if Coda and I could come over? Arsenio has been gone with Ermanno all day and I could use some company."

"I'd love that."

When Eloise arrived, I went down to greet her and Coda. I was happy to have her back. I'd missed her.

I held Coda in my arms on the couch while Eloise insisted on making me lunch. She had a passion for food and demanded that I allow her to cook for me as both an apology and because she argued I shouldn't be on my feet so much. I tried to reason with her, but it was futile. The stubbornness of the woman was unmatched.

I softly ran my fingers across his smooth skin. He was a beautiful baby, looking like the perfect mix of both his parents.

"So," I started. "Was Coda a surprise for you?" I knew she had just turned 19 only a little bit ago.

She turned around from the stove with a bit of red painting her cheeks.

"I didn't mean to be so intrusive, just curious, you don't have to answer." I clarified.

"No, you aren't being intrusive. He was a surprise, but becoming his mother is my greatest gift. I wouldn't have it any other way. Arsenio and I had only been together for a few months when we go the positive pregnancy test. It wasn't great at first. He came from a broken home, so he was hesitant to raise a baby. But, he came around to the idea, and now he's the best father, Ansley. Watching him interact with Coda, seeing the love he has for him, just makes my heart clench."

I smiled as she spoke, so happy that she was happy.

"I know that you'll have that too."

I rolled my eyes slightly. "With who?"

"Ermanno, obviously."

I wished, but he wasn't responsible for Violet. I wouldn't force him to assume the role of her father.

"I don't think so, Eloise. I like him a lot, and I know he likes me too, but he's not her father. I wouldn't force that upon him."

Her eyes widened. "Her? The baby's a girl!"

I nodded and she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you. I'm naming her Violet."

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