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Third Person POV

A hand came down on his shoulder. He turned, seeing an old coworker of his. He forced a polite smile onto his mouth.

"Jason, how are you? Haven't seen you in a while."

"Mike! I know, not since I was still working at the firm. I've opened up a car detailing shop since then."

He maintained faux interest. He couldn't give a shit less about Jason or his car detailing business.

"Your own business? Great entrepreneurial initiative."

"Yeah, I'm hoping so. How was your trip by the way?"

Michael's eyebrows drew upward. Trip?

"My trip?" He asked.

"Yeah, I saw your wife down in Virginia last week. I looked for you, but you weren't around."

The confusion, anger, and sweet relief warred inside Michael's mind, but he didn't allow his shock to reveal itself on his face.

"Oh yeah? Where'd you see her at?"

"She was at this bookstore. "Bound to Be Good," I think was the name. My wife, Morgan, saw an ad on one of their pages and wanted to stop by when we were coming home from South Carolina ."

"Oh yes. She was on a girl's trip last week. She did mention stopping at a bookstore while they were down there. She brought a few novels back with her. Did Morgan find anything there?" He asked, feigning interest. As Jason continued to talk, the wheels spun in Michael's mind.

After months of searching, he had a lead on his runaway wife. His Ansley was in Virginia. Working at a bookstore perhaps. If he left tomorrow, he could probably make it within fourteen hours.

His hands ached with the desire to touch her. To hold her body in his hands. She would take him back, and return home with him willingly. She wouldn't have another choice.

It was bound to be good indeed.

Once he returned home, he entered the bedroom he'd shared with Ansley. The countless hours they'd spent in that bed together came to his mind, and he reached down and began stroking himself.

How he missed her. His sweet, perfect little pet. She was such a good listener, always obeying him. And when she wasn't, Michael made sure he corrected her behavior.

His Ansley was simply confused and making a mistake by leaving him. But he would find her and show her that the only true happiness she could ever have was with him. Everything else was a lie. He was the only one who could provide for her.

He ripped his belt off and let his fly open. He tugged on his member as he thought of the last time he fucked his beautiful wife in their bed. It had been too long since her tight pussy was wrapped around him.

He would show her just how much she missed his cock. He would show her over and over as she screamed.

Part love-making and part punishment, he looked forward to rejoicing inside of his wife for having her in his arms again and punishment for leaving him as she did. She committed a great sin against him. He would rectify that behavior.

He reached into the closet and picked up a t-shirt of hers that she used to wear often. He balled it in his face and raised it to his nose, inhaling her remaining scent on the cloth as he came.

After he buckled his pants up, he began to strip the sheets off the bed. He threw those into the hamper and pulled other ones from the closet.

He put the fitted sheet down, admiring the rosy stain marring the perfect white landscape—his wife's virgin blood.

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