Chapter 28

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Lalisa Manoban

"Lisaaaaaa! I've been looking for you!" Somi ran to me as soon as she saw me in the field

Kai and Jungkook followed her soon.

"Hey, missed you, dork." I patted her head while she was hugging me

"I missed you, too." She looked up at me while pouting "How are you?"

"Doing great?" I answered almost a question

"Were you alone yesterday?"

Before I could answer, someone cleared their throat. Ms. Kim was standing behind us, arms crossed.

I quickly pulled from the hug "Hello, Ms. Kim."

She glared at me "Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon, I need your help. Come with me, please."

"Wait, how about me?" I pointed at myself

"You're much accompanied here, Ms. Manoban." She glared at me for the last time before walking away from us

"Oops, someone is in trouble." Kai teased me as they followed Ms. Kim

"Don't worry, Lis. We'll take care of your personal stuff." Jungkook shouted

"You really like her, do you?" Somi asked me

"I'm not gonna deny it." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder "Why don't you help me to monitor the festival? Let's look around."

"Like a date?" Her eyes twinkled

"Friendly date." I corrected and ruffled her hair "Let's go?"

"A friendly date will be fine." She shrugged her shoulders

The Honorians are enjoying the festival so far. The tattoo booth of Hanbin got the attention of the students. There is a long wait in their booth. I wanna try it but I'm allergic to henna.

"What time will we fetch Ms. Kim's sister?" Somi inquired

"Around six in the evening. Can I ask you a question, Soms?"

She threw the cup of the ice she just finished "Sure, Lis. What is it?"

"How's life?"

She stopped from walking and that made me stop also. "Soms, are you okay?"

"Do you believe that history repeats itself?" She asked out of the blue

"I think? Depends. Why do you ask?"

"Well, dad engaged me again with someone that I didn't even know personally."

That left me in total shock. What the heck? Mr. Jeon never learned his lesson.

"You should object this time, Soms. If you don't like that guy then make a stand for yourself."

She shook her head "I wanted to, Lis but dad is sick, I don't want to add up to their problems."

I held her hand and brought her to the nearest bench.

"Tell me, how can I help?"

A sad smile crept into her lips "There is nothing you can do, Lis. I am willing to grant my father's wish. This time, I'm not gonna run away. Unlike me, he's against the engagement."

"Why? He's a total idiot if he refuses to date you."

"It's not like that, he likes someone else." Somi revealed "In fact, he likes you."

"What? H-he likes me? Oh my god. Don't tell me it's Jackson?"

Somi nodded her head "We went on a couple of dates that our parents arranged for us. He always talks about you, I don't know but I feel so annoyed."

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