Chapter 10

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Lisa Manoban

"Why do you need my schedule, Fern?"

"You'll be in charge of Somi, right? I'm sure you won't give your schedule to that poor ex of yours."

Why do they have to put me in charge of that brat? Is she a five-year-old girl to be watched over?

The last time I remember she was fully capable of taking care of herself, she even ran away at our engagement party.

"Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I'm here at Honorio." I watched her taking notes down "Tuesday and Thursday I'm at Kim's Construction. Please, don't bother me during those days. Give me a break."

She nodded "Kim's Construction, huh?" She grinned "Are you aware that..."

"Ms. Kim is the CEO." I finished her sentence "I need to go now, Fern."


"I think someone put a curse on Ms. Kim."

I caught Kai and Jungkook's attention. I smirked. These two like listening to nonsense stuff.

I was watching Ms. Kim together with her co-professors, all of them were engrossed in a conversation while eating lunch, while Ms. Kim was minding her own business. She has her own world.

How can Deb pull off a woman like Ms. Kim? Gorgeous, intelligent, talented maybe? And a fucking CEO of a multi-million company.

"What do you mean, Lis?" They asked in unison

See? They even share the same brain cells.

"I haven't seen her smiling." I shared, I was about to speak again when someone covered my eyes

"Guess who?"

Guess who your ass.

"Somi, get your filthy hands off me my fucking face." I forcefully removed her hands off me "What do you want?"

She took the vacant seat between me and Jungkook "I'm here to eat lunch with you, guys." Then someone put her tray on the round table "Nice to see you again, boys."

Did she just ask someone to carry her tray? This brat.

The two idiots were just staring at her. I forgot to tell them about Somi. Another explanation to do. Ugh.

"She's here to finish her program." I explained

"And she's in charge of me, that is why you'll see me often." Somi said before biting her burger

"How you've been, Somi?" Jungkook was the one who recovered first "When was the last time we saw each other?"

Kai stifled a laugh. I kicked Jungkook's foot which made him yelp in pain. Served you right.

"Before the night I ran away." Somi casually answered

How can she be so cool about that topic? I mean, I've moved on but the humiliation I got that night still lingers like a nightmare to me.

"How are you two? Still single?"

It was my turn to laugh. Somi still knows how to make fun of these two. Just like the old times.

"We're single by choice." Kai defended "I hope you'll die single."

"Nope cause Lisa and I will resume our love story." She stuck her tongue out like a child "Right, Lisa?"

"There is no story to resume 'cause there is no love, to begin with." I don't want to ruin their argument but I don't want to give Somi false hope

"Deserved." Kai and Jungkook laughed while Somi pouted her lips

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