"And now here you are," Madhu smiled softly, Navisa returning one as well.

"Just you wait and see," Madhu continued. "You're going to get the best debut actress at every award show!"

"Thank you Madhu. I appreciate the vote of confidence."

"Of course," and Madhu resumed her work.

"I mean can you imagine? Me winning best debut female and RK winning best actor male?"

Madhu instantly scowled at the mention of him, making Navisa laugh.

"Okay, seriously, Madhu, why do you hate him so much? I'm very curious."


Just then, a crew member arrived. "Navisa, they need you on set."

"Uh, sure, I'll be there in a moment," Navisa said, and the crew member left. "Come Madhu and Neha, we can finish up there."

Madhu nodded and grabbed her stuff, the stylist following them as well.

"Anyways, you were saying," Navisa said. "Why is it that you hate RK?"

As the two walked and talked, neither realized that they were passing RK's trailer, who happened to be stepping out of it, as well as Bittuji, and had heard Navisa's question.

"Hate is a strong word," Madhu said.

RK arched his brow, him and Bittuji following not far behind them.

"So you don't hate RK?"

"Mm... I detest him."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because I've never seen a more arrogant, egoistic, insolent man in my life," Madhu smiled fakely.

RK immediately scowled at the back of her head, while Bittuji glanced between the two.

"My, my, that's a lot of words for someone you don't know," Navisa teased. "Or have you encountered him?"

"Oh, I did alright! The first time I met him was purely by accident! Deedu was giving her first round of auditions but had an emergency, so she called me to help her. I arrived at the studio and went to call her and ask her where she was, when my phone fell into a puddle!"

"Oh no!"

"That stupid puddle caused all the issues! I could barely hear a thing when Deedu called me, so I didn't hear her warning me to steer clear of the set RK was at. Instead, I thought she was there. So I went."

Oh, RK thought to himself. So that's how she got there that day.

Navisa gasped. "Then what?"

"What else? I got to the set and there was no one else there but RK. At first I was shocked; I mean there's a celebrity in front of me, naturally I'd be shocked. But it was instantly gone because the jerk started yelling at me!"

"No way!"

"Yes way, Navisa! He yelled at me and told me to get out," she mocked in pure RK fashion.

The memory played in RK's mind, reminding him of their introduction.

"I don't believe it," Navisa gasped.

"Oh, believe me, it's true. The look in his eyes...."

RK looked at her.

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone have so much anger in their eyes like that before... so much pain in their eyes before," Madhu murmured, remembering the moment as well and only now realizing the true look in his eyes.

Junoon | Obsessionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें