EP 27 - Spying & Make a Scene

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BTS went out right after you come downstairs. They stay inside the car as they waiting for you. They saw the car that you were riding have been drove away.

They also drive away and follow you from a safe distance. But one thing that they didn't know. They don't know about the guard that have been assign to taking care of you.

They rush to get inside the mall when they saw you going into the mall too. They hiding everywhere just to look at you.

They was mad when they saw Rowoon hugging you. Jungkook about to go and confronts him but his hyung manage to stop him first. They get more angry when they saw Rowoon cupped your face and look at you fondly. They want to beat the ass out of him.

They more in rage when they saw you and Rowoon walk hand in hand. Now their anger limit already reach at the top stage. Just one more mistake, then they will confronts them.

But BTS was happy when they saw you laughing, giggling and playing. Their heart feel warmth when they saw you like this. You seems happier because this is your first hang out with your friends.

BTS worried when they saw you a bit uncomfortable with Rowoon's friend when he put his hand at your shoulder. You a bit taken aback with his action.

BTS saw everything that happen there until you fall on your feet when the other boy punch your tricep. They rush to you as Yoongi start punching that boy face.

You was too stunt to get up and stop him. Then you back in reality when you hear Rowoon shouting. You saw Jungkook hold that boy from behind as Yoongi still punching him. You get up and rush to them.

Y/N : Oppa, stop ! I said stop !

Jimin pull you away from them. You try to release yourself from his grip.

Rowoon : What are you doing right now!

He shout as he try to help his friend.

?? : Young master ! What are you guys doing right now?

Your bodyguard rush to you. All of them look at him. You run to him and hide behind him as you crying.

Jin : Minhyuk? What are you doing here?

Minhyuk : I'm here to guard Miss Y/N, young master.

Jin : What?

Namjoon : You're here all the time?

Minhyuk : Yes, sir.

Hoseok : Then why did you..

You cut them.

Y/N : Enough !

Jimin : Baby...

Y/N : I said enough ! I will meet you guys at home !

You look at Rowoon with guilty eyes.

Y/N : I'm sorry, Rowoon-nie. I will see you in school tomorrow. Sorry once again, guys.

Then you hold Minhyuk hand and pull him with you. He took you to the car. He told the driver to drove back to the mansion.

You arrived at the mansion with crying face. Your parents that was sitting in the living room were shocked when you get into the mansion with that kind of condition.

Mom : Baby, what's wrong? Did you hurt?

Dad : Did your friends hurting you?

He ask worriedly. Both of them walk to you.

Y/N : No. My friends didn't hurt me. The one that hurting me is your son !

You raise your voice a bit.

Mom : Your brothers? They did what?

Y/N : They embarass me infront of my friends. How can i meet my friends again.

You said between your sobbing. Your mom hug you. Then you hear footsteps. You already know who is that person. You pulled away and glaring at them.

Jin : Y/n, please listen to us first.

Dad : I also wanna hear it too.

Mom : What did you guys do?

They ask angrily.

Y/N : How could you guys did that to me? How can i confront with him again?

Jungkook : If he doesn't want to be your friends, then i will force him...

You throw a pillow toward him.

Y/N : Force? Oppa, i barely make a friend before. But now... When i have one friend, you did this to me. Why?

They feel guilty.

Yoongi : I'm sorry...

Y/N : Keep your sorry to yourself. You guys don't talk to me unless you guys seeking for their apologizes !

You said loud and clear. You stomp to your room. BTS wanna chase after you but your parents stop them.

Dad : Not so fast, sons. What did i say about making your sister crying?

Namjoon : But dad....

Mom : What happened actually?.

They took a sit and then Jin start to told them about what happen.

Mom : Are you guys kidding me?

Taehyung : She fall on the floor, mom. How can we stay still? We acting out of our control.

Jin : Sorry, mom. Sorry, dad.

Dad : I can understand why you did that but your sister won't get it.

Yoongi : We know that we're mess up this time.

Jimin : We will convince her.

He said in pouty.

Mom : My mochi still cute like before. Didn't change at all.

Jimin : Mom, stop call me mochi. I'm not mochi. Y/N is it.

Dad : Both of you have same mochi cheeks.

Jimin : That is why i like to bite and munch her cheeks. It's so fluffy.

Your dad pinch Jimin's cheeks. The others was laughing looking at him. They look so cute. Your face looks like Jimin when you guys upset.

BTS walk to your room after they done teasing Jimin. They want to get into your room but you lock it. They knock many times but you still didn't open the door.

They know that you was mad at them but which brother will stand when their beloved sister get hurt or being harm by a stranger.

LONG LOST SISTER (BTS FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ