CH 25 - Tag Along

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You stay in your room for the rest of the evening when someone knocks onto your door. You respond to that person and that person gets into your room.

?? : What are you doing, gummy?

Y/N : Gummy?

?? : It's a nickname for you. I used to call you like that when you were still a baby.

Y/N : Oh. By the way, why are you here, Suga oppa?

Suga : Nothing. Just wanna check on you.

He said as he walk closer and took a seat on your bed. You lie down on your stomach as you were busy texting someone.

Suga : Gummy?

You hummed as you focused with your phone.

Suga : With whom you texting to?

Y/N : Rowoon.

Suga : Rowoon?

He ask coldly.

Suga : What did he want?

Y/N : He want to ask me out this evening. Can i go?

You ask him as you look at him.

Suga : Who else will be with you guys?

Y/N : He said that he will bring his sister.

Suga : Then i will coming with you.

Y/N : Why?

Suga : So i can taking care of you, gummy.

You think for a while.

Y/N : But he said not to bring any of you.

Suga : Why? Did he have bad intention on you?

Y/N : What ! Of course not.

You said as you sat up. Yoongi pulls you gently and makes you sit on his lap.

Suga : You can go if i can tag along with you.

You sighed.

Y/N : Fine but only you. I don't think i need to take seven of you, right?

Suga : Okay.

Y/N : Can you help me to choose my outfit?

Suga : Why would you choose an outfit just to hang out with your friends?

Y/N : Just.

You said and get off from his lap. You walk to the wardrobe room and take out couple outfit to Yoongi to choose.

 You walk to the wardrobe room and take out couple outfit to Yoongi to choose

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This is the first outfit.

Suga : Are you kidding me? Short pant?

Y/N : Why? This look nice, right.

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