CH 5 - Information and DNA test

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You guys were in physical education class right now. Half of the students play on the field and the others at the outdoor basketball court.

You just sit out of the basketball court since nobody wants to play with you. You just sit there while looking at the others. Playing happily.

Angel gives hints to her friends. And they get the hints as if they were smirking. You didn't notice when they started to throw the ball toward you.

You fall down on the ground. Your head feels dizzy. The others were laughing at you. You sit up slowly and try to stand up. You fall sat on the ground again because your head feels spinning.

?? : Angel ! You have been too much !

One boy shouts and walks at you.

Angel : Jungkook oppa, why did you mad at me? She insulted me first.

She said in pout and in cute tone. She try to charm Jungkook but it's not working on him.

Jungkook : Hey? Are you okay?

You shake your head. He put your hand on his neck and carries you in the bridal style to infirmary room. He place you on the bed and wipe the blood that coming out from your nose.

Y/N : Thank you, Mr...?

Jungkook : Kim Jungkook.

He said as he take a glass of water and offer it to you. You gulped down the water.

Jungkook : Feel better?

You nod and smile.

Y/N : Sorry for make your shirt dirty.

Jungkook : It's okay.

He say as he stare at your face. Yeah. He also feel that you really look alike with his sister. He didn't manage to know her well since he was still small when you went 'died'.

But your parents keep a very huge photo of your at family hall in the mansion. He always knows and he remember your face in detail.

Y/N : Why did you stare at me like that?

Jungkook : Nothing. I guess i have to leave first. You should rest.

Y/N : Thanks once again, Mr Jungkook.

You said and bow a bit.

Jungkook : Anytime, Ms....?

Y/N : Y/N. Kim Y/N.

Jungkook smile drop immediately when he hear that name. The same face. The same name. It can't be a coincident.

Y/N : Jungkook-shi? Are you okay?

Jungkook : Your name was really Kim Y/N?

Y/N : Yeah.

Jungkook : Do you have a parents?

Y/N : I don't have any parents but i have a nanny. I mean my grandma. She's take care and raise me up by herself.

Jungkook : Oh...I should go. Bye, Kim Y/N.

He said and left that room. He stay outside of the room and zone out. He took out his phone and call his men.

- Phone Call -

?? : Hello, sir. Do you need anything?

Jungkook : Can you find out a girl information for me? I need it as soon as possible.

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