My water broke.

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2 AM:
'Ow.' I yell.

'What what?' Kylian wakes up and looks at me.

'Ouch. Oh my god oh my god.' I move a bit back.

'What what?' Kylian starts stressing. 'Why are you screaming?'

'Touch the bed on the part where I am and tell me if it's wet.' I look at Kylian.

'Oh my god did you pee yourself?' Kylian touches the bedsheet.

'Is it wet or not?' I ask.

'Yes clearly.' Kylian looks at me.

'Kylian don't freak out. But my water just broke. Don't start stressing cause you're gonna stress me out. Just put some clothes on and call everyone.' I put my hand on Kylian's shoulder.

'Oh my god oh my god.' Kylian gets up and turns the light on.

'Don't. Freak out. Oh my god.' I cover my face.

'Sorry. Sorry.' Kylian comes next to me and tries to help me up.

'Okay listen okay. Just grab a suitcase from the wardrobe, shove some clothes in there and call someone that you know will answer.' I speak.

'Okay okay.' Kylian heads to the wardrobe.

'And most importantly call Ney because he has the car, okay?' I yell from the room.

'Yes yes got it!' Kylian answers.


'Is everything packed?' I ask Kylian.

'Yes yes it is. Ney is driving like a fucking old man.' Kylian stresses.

'It's fine it's fine. Don't stress it's fine.' I chuckle.

'Come sit down here.' Kylian comes and helps me sit on the couch.

'Thanks.' I chuckle.

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