Are you guys back together?

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Later that day, Neymar and Anna decided to come over to my house, and Kylian also decided to join them.


'Okay guys like real talk.' Neymar looks at me and Kylian.

'What. Is. Going. On?' Anna asks.

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' Kylian laughs.

'They're so annoying.' Anna groans.

'Tell me about it.' Neymar nods.

'Okay what? What have we done now?' I laugh.

'Are you guys back together?' Neymar asks.

'Woah.' Kylian laughs.

'That was very um.... straightforward.' I scratch my neck.

'Are you?' Anna asks.

'Y...eah.' Kylian laughs.

'Yeah. Yeah kinda.' I laugh.

'Woah.' Anna widens her eyes.

'And um when exactly were you guys planning on telling us?' Neymar asks.

'I don't know what's going on. We... we didn't even know what was going on.' Kylian stutters.

'Oh yeah of course you didn't.' Anna chuckles.

'Shut up.' I laugh and chuck a pillow at Anna.

'So um... when? When did this take place?' Neymar asks.

'I don't know. I guess during the time we went Monaco. It went from there.' I speak.

'Well um, how?' Neymar asks.

'Wait wait wait so you've been back together since then?' Anna asks shocked.

'No no no.' Kylian laughs.

'Then?' Neymar asks.

'We were talking about it. And we just decided like two days ago. We just want to see if it could work out this time.' I shrug.

'Yeah.' Kylian nods and laughs.

'Well um congrats.' Neymar starts clapping.

'Just in time for his birthday. Was that your little birthday present?' Anna looks at me.

'Oh yeah one hundred percent.' I laugh.

Everyone starts laughing.

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