Birthday Preparing.

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'Okay so it's like an hour away. With car.' I look at Anna.

'That's fine. We'll take Ney's car.' Anna nods.

'Yeah sure.' I nod.

'Alright got it.'

'So first we have to go pick up the balloons, and all the decorations so we can start decorating. And then get the cake, and the drinks. And just all the food. Cause there's a lot of people coming.' I explain.

'Pffff yeah I know.' Anna rolls her eyes.

'Shut up.' I laugh.

'And then, come back and just start decorating everything.' I nod.

'Alright. Please tell me it's not only me and you doing that though.' Anna looks at me.

'No Hakimi is gonna come. And I'm pretty sure Giroud and Ousmane are getting here early too. Cause Ousmane was in Italy with Giroud. Don't ask me why. Cause that I don't know.' I chuckle.

'Okay.' Anna laughs.


'Okay so I'm thinking the black and gold balloons. Just buy like maybe one hundred. Like fifty black ones, fifty gold ones.' I say to Anna.

'Yeah I guess.' Anna looks at me with a scared face.

'What's up with that face?' I chuckle.

'Just too much for my brain. I just want to drink.' Anna laughs.

'Oh my god.' I laugh and roll my eyes.


'Can I have fifty black balloons, and fifty gold ones please?' I ask the shopkeeper.

'That's perfectly fine. Is it okay to come back maybe in like an hour?' the shopkeeper smiles.

'Yeah that's fine.' I nod.

'Alright see you later.'


'So I was thinking of buying him these things okay? So listen, I wanted to get him the PS5, just a couple of shirts I really like, and then something cute as well. Like maybe just this like big I don't know picture thing with like pictures of us everywhere.' I explain.

'Oh I like that yeah.' Neymar agrees.

'Yeah that's good. It's perfect.' Anna nods.

'So we will go buy the shirts first. But let's take these balloons into the car first.' I hold on to the balloons.

'Yes please.' Neymar shrugs.


After taking the balloons to the car, we headed to a massive mall that had every single shop ever.


'Can I just see um, your play stations?' I ask.

'Yeah of course. Which one would you like exactly?' the shop keeper asks.

'The PS5 if you could show me that please?' I smile.

'Yeah just give me one second.' the shopkeeper heads in the back room.

'This is crazy. We've been out for like ten hours.' Neymar laughs.

'What? I like it. We get to get out the house. Who doesn't like that?' Anna chuckles and nudges Neymar.

'Me. I hate it.' Neymar laughs.

'Well deal with it.' I chuckle.

'Okay so we have it. But just in case is there any other one you would want?' the shopkeeper asks.

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