I'm pregnant.

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'We have to talk.' I look at Kylian.

'Oh god. Don't do that. It scares me.' Kylian grabs himself some water from the fridge.

'No don't be. Actually, I don't know...' I think for a second.

'Oh god. What happened?' Kylian looks at me.

'Come sit down.' I tap the couch.

'I didn't do it.' Kylian jokes.

'Shut up.' I tap his thigh.

'I'm joking I'm joking. What's happened?' Kylian looks at me.

'Okay, look... I don't know how you're gonna take it, and I don't know how to say it....' I start.

'Wait.... Are you breaking up with me?' Kylian asks with a worried look on his face.

'What what? No no.' I chuckle.

'Oh phew. Thank god.' Kylian sighs.

'I... I'm...' I stutter.

'You're? You're what?' Kylian asks with a scared face.

'I'm pregnant.' I look at Kylian.

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