19 - Who Are You

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"Taehyung, this isn't what it looks like!"

"This is exactly what it looks like!" Taehyung sounded furious- his sad façade from earlier had completely disappeared. "Mom made me break up with my girlfriend just because I was married to you! Wait till I show mom this photo, then we will divorce, everything will go back to how it was!"

"Taehyung, please no!" You scurried after Taehyung, everything had gone wrong, just like how you had expected it to be.

Jimin stood there and watched. He couldn't understand anything. If anything, he had kissed his girlfriend.

But this girlfriend was now running behind another man. Shouting. Jimin was ever so confused.

Unless Y/N was a liar, nothing made sense.


Y/N fell to the floor, sitting with her back against the wall.

She felt sad. She felt like a cheater.

Y/N, but you didn't do anything wrong!

All these words were pouring from all sides of your head. You didn't know what to listen to, your heart or your mind.

Your mind insisted that it was not your fault. This marriage was shitty from the beginning itself, none of you clearly even liked each other. It is only normal for you to expect these things from another man right?

But your heart, it pained to see that face of betrayal on Mrs. Kim's face. You broke her trust.

And trust was something once shattered, it could never be fixed to the same again.

You suddenly remembered Jimin. Dewberrys!

You opened your phone and saw his message.

" Who are you?

Something has changed, you're not the same, I hate it. "

And that's when you burst into tears.


Taehyung had been in an awful mood than usual.

Dealing with the loss of someone who had been there with him ever since he was very young- perfecting him in every talent and skill to make him the unbeatable he is today.

And being the only one who actually showed sympathy to the little boy aside from his mother. His own father never did that- heck he was too busy to show his face to his own son.

The father wanted his son to be perfect- and not make the same mistakes he himself did at Taehyung's age. But he forgot that Taehyung, his son was human.

On the outside, Taehyung had everything. But nobody knew how much Taehyung wished his dad play with him, genuinely buy Taehyung stuff just because he once mentioned he liked them. He had seen other dads do that.

But his own dad, had a heart of steel. He was emotionless. Maybe he had thought nobody else had feelings too.

Love- It was something only in movies and books. Everybody gets tired of each other, no matter how close they are. Everybody leaves one another, no matter how unbreakable they were.

Taehyung didn't believe in love. Nobody had it. In movies and books, it was only portrayed just so perfectly so that it can fill the fantasies of hopeless and helpless majority.

Because love doesn't exist.

Or atleast that's what Taehyung had thought.

Mina was his girlfriend because she gave him things he didn't have. He needed her. But he didn't know that it was not love.

He only started realizing it after... after you had stepped in to his house.

He was obsessed with Mina- He would think of her all the time. But when he sees her cheating on him, he pretends to not see it- and everything goes back to how it was.

Both Taehyung and Mina would act like nothing happened at all.

But Taehyung would never expect him to feel a literal pang in his heart when he would see you kissing someone else.

What was this feeling?

For one thing he knew, he hated you.

But what had made him so vexed that he had taken his phone from his pocket, and taken a picture of you, without even being able to control his hands anymore. This was certainly not something he had done when he had seen Mina cheating.

Taehyung leaned back his seat inside his  car, closed his eyes to sleep. A few minutes in his slumber, he started smiling. 

Taehyung was dreaming of you.


You were running around the hall looking for Jimin.

It was time he knew the entire truth, you were sure he would understand.

You saw someone just like Jimin pass out the door into an alleyway.

"Jimin! Wait!"

You ran behind that person and reached into an alleyway and tried to look for him.

Until something strong hit your head, and you fell to the floor.

Just before you closed your eyes, you saw many shadows hovering over you.


Thankyou so much for those who voted and waited~ 

12th grade is driving me crazy... But don't forget guys! You need to work hard and prove yourself to everyone even if shit seems impossible sometimes.

God only tests those who are strong enough to deal with it, so that you can become stronger.

{Motivation for you and me}

Dream Big! Work hard!

Until next chapter(Ik I upload soo late im so sorry SKSKKS) Toodles!

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