3 - The Only Way

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The entire mansion was silent, everyone sound asleep except Mr. Kim, who kept worriedly staring out the large windowpane in the office room.

"She told she would find a girl for him by tomorrow..." He turned around and met eyes with Mr. Chang. "Seems like Taehyung signing the quotum papers will take longer than expected."

"Mrs. Kim has a point sir, on a personal level I too, hate Taehyung's girlfriend. To be honest, I am worried how he would be able to manage the entire Kim company if his taste in girlfriends is as bad as..." He shut his mouth upon meeting the glare in Mr. Kim's eyes.

Mr. Kim cleared his throat. "By the way, tell both Taehyung and my wife to meet me here in a few minutes. I need to know what's going on."


"What! Marry a fricking stranger?" Taehyung retorts. "This is not a date! It's a fucking marriage!"

"Son..." Mrs. Kim had a sick smile on her face that looked unnatural to the other beautiful features of hers. "I would rather let you marry a diaper than Mina...Sheesh this comparison is rude to the diaper itself."

Mr. Chang snickers in the back making Taehyung burn in anger and seemed as if fumes were appearing from his head. He glowered at his mother like never before. "Mom! You have no right to address Mina like that-" His voice was venomous. "You both are so busy in your business that you never notice how the world is, how today's girls are. If you think Mina is bad, then how would you react if you meet any other girl? You guys never care about my happiness- all you care about is your business, business and your business. Mina was always there for me even when you were not-"

"Enough!" Mr. Kim who was eerily silent throughout the entire convo, stood abruptly from his chair.

He was furious beyond words. The entire room went silent.

"Kim Taehyung." Mr. Kim says slowly, each word strained. "The way you spoke to your mother is unreasonable. You do what she says. That's the only way."

"But father-" Before Taehyung could complete his sentence, Mr. Kim was out the office followed by Mrs. Kim.

Taehyung sighs and stamps his feet in frustration, head bowed down low.

"Aren't you leaving too?" Taehyung raises his head and asks the secretary. Mr. Chang stands up to leave but stopped at the door glancing over his shoulder to Taehyung.

"Also, sir has refused me to buy the phone for you. I saw that you didn't read my texts."

Taehyung lifts his head once again, but this time had a glare fixed into his eyes and a face that read unbelievable.

"It's for your good Taehyung." Mr. Chang says in a low voice before finally exiting the door.

Standing alone there, Taehyung laughed maniacally like a crazy person.

He turns towards the window of the breathtaking night view and stands there thinking to himself.

"I have to sign the quotum papers." He sees the reflection of himself on the window and looks at his bandaged shoulder. "For two months. And after that I'll get back with Mina.

_________ . . . _________

The next day

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