18 - Taehyung's Nanny's Part II

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They resembled nannies to you.

After you were done showering (slowly due to lack of excitement) you went to the bedroom and locked it.

On the bed lied a beautiful black dress which you were sure costed a ton.

Okay, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all?

Usually you had only seen these kind of dresses in display for really expensive outlets or runaways that you could not have ever even dreamt of buying.

And the fact that it was perfectly covering at the right places... Like this dress was exactly what you would want to wear.

After you were done dressing Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook went ahead to make-up, do your hair all the while bickering over the smallest things.

Once you were done, you looked at yourself in the mirror.

Dewberrys, I look like a celebrity.

You had your highest doubts of attending this party looking like a porcelein doll because a bunch of teenage boys were doing your makeup, but atlast they finished it. Both the makeup and the bickering.

You looked...perfect.

The three men looked more proud than you, the most stupidest grin on their face. Jungkook sniffing his nose.

"Here's a thermometer i found, Jungkook go and check your temperature!-" Jin barged into the room and when his eyes moved towards you, he looked shocked.
"Oh My! Y/N you are beautiful as duck!"
Yoongi flipped his hair,"Well, if it wasn't for MY amazing makeup skills!"

"Excuse me?" Hoseok stirred annoyed,"What am I? AIR?!"

You decided to ignore their suspicious ridiculously talented makeup skills and turned towards the pale jungkook as he slid the thermometer into his armpit, exposing all his bulgy muscles.

Within a few seconds a loud CLANG was heard, and you saw the thermometer on the floor showing weird reading, and a very confused Jungkook.

"Dang! I know I'm a really hot guy but-" Jungkook scratched his head.

"IT'S A DEVICE TO CHECK YOUR BODY TEMPERATURE YOU IDIOT!" Seokjin started chasing Jungkook, who didn't forget to leave a wink to you before he started running to escape the wrath of the man with the spatula.

You giggled.

A spatula was a very dangerous weapon, especially if in the hands of Kim Seokjin.


The guy with the hippopotamus book dropped you to the party.

You looked around at the extravagant party and the people, standing all idle and nervous.

You didn't know why, but it was as if the rich people were boring their eyes into you and judging every single move of yours.

Shit, do i actually look good enough?

You suddenly felt a hand hold yours, and you looked up to see Taehyung. He looked front with a stern expression before he started pulling you with him.



"You don't need to hold my hand."

"You'll get lost..."

He suddenly turned towards a sharp corner and you saw beautiful large steps ascending upwards. There were a lot of bodyguards guarding the area, but they easily let Taehyung go past.

On the top floor, it was more quiet with less people, and more peaceful.

Taehyung let go of your hand, and looked towards the large open balcony outside with those eyes."I like to be alone, Y/N."

Uhm okay?

Usually he was so cold and rude for no reason.

"Me too..." You muttered and looked outside to the splendid view. So the top floor was a floor for the VVIP's.

"My biggest dream is..." Taehyung started, with eyes far and desolate, staring into the empty space,"I want to stop all this."

Stop all what?

And was he drunk or something?

Taehyung actually seemed genuinely sad, that you didn't know what to do. You decide to keep quiet instead of making any snarky remarks and maybe even go to the washroom just to process your thoughts.

"Taehyung, I'm...uhm...going to the washroom."

"It's that way." He pointed towards the corner of the hall and turned his back to you, enjoying the view again. You walked into the washroom, doing absolutely nothing but just walking around taking deep breaths to calm down your nervous self. You looked into the mirror and reminded yourself that you look very pretty and didn't need to feel self conscious. You remembered Seokjin's compliment. You smiled.

After you were done, you exited the washroom and started walking towards Taehyung at a distance, still watching nothing but the view.

But as you started walking, you were met the face you last expected to see on a day like this.


And he saw you.

His face contorted into a smile upon seeing you, even he was shocked. Then, he started coming towards you.

Dewberrys! Not now!

You were so flustered that you literally turned back and went into the washroom, as if that would remove Jimin's memory of seeing your face.

Until Jimin entered into the washroom too.

"Jimin what are you doing in the washroom?!"

"Y/N, this is a unisex washroom"

Shit I forgot

"Y/N what are you doing here? And why do you look so scared?"

There was nobody else in the washroom apart from you both. You started cringing at your bad fate. What if Taehyung, comes here searching for you and sees both of you here?

"Jagi, are you ignoring me?" Jimin comes closer and closer towards you as you step backward.

You want to tell him that now was not the right time, and that he needed to leave immediately.

But how would you do it? What reason would you give him? Your mouth failed to speak.

Jimin had now fully pinned you against the wall, his breath fanning yours.

"Jimin I-"

"You used to call me chimmy!"
Jimin then slammed his lips into yours, not allowing you to breath.

A few seconds you tried to resist, but you were helpless. You gave in, and melted into his kiss, forgetting everything around you.



Both of you flinched, and turned around to see who was taking pictures of your intimate moment.

Only to see Taehyung.

With the most arrogant smile on his face.

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