11 - Jump

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Warning: Mentions of sucide, please skip to the next chapter if you're uncomfortable, (or read till the warning signs.) thankyou.


Taehyung's POV

It's all because of that fucker.

I'm really sorry, I really really love you.

But I have to do this, or dad threatened me that he would publisice one of my secretary's dirty scandal, which would badly ruin my reputation in the mafia world.

Im really sorry.

I really love you.

"Tae, why did you call me?" Mina pouted cutely. I didn't fail to notice the way your cleavage was showing through your uniform collar, because your tie was loosely hung low.

Or how your skirt was even more shorter. I had told you many times to not do that; but still you wouldn't listen right?

But today, no. I wasn't going to lecture you, shout to you.

Because today, it was all going to end.

"Mina, I-" I took a deep breath.

"Yes Tae?" You fluttered your eyes. Ever since a rumour had broke out in school, (god knows how) that I was married to Y/N, you had been acting extra extra clingy towards me.

It was annoying. You even came to my house for the first time yesterday. You wanted to cuddle and sleep with me.

You even wanted to try it for the first time yesterday. But I didn't give in; cause it felt weird. You cried because you thought I didn't trust you.

You shouted at me because I was being a bad boyfriend. I am the world's worst boyfriend, I know.

"Mina, let's break up." I breathed out, and walked out before meeting the expression in your face.

I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

After two months I will get back to you I promise. After that fucking Y/N exit from my life.

You were eerily quiet before you wailed out from behind me, angrily, " It's because of that Y/N right?"

I didn't answer.

I left the corridor. I heard your desperate sobs the last minute before I shut the door.

I'm sorry.

I really love you, Mina.



Mina dashed towards you in lightning speed, as your feet stuck frozen in its place.

In a second, she was tightly holding your neck by her palms, with a furious teary face.

Gosh, was she trying to kill me?

You don't have time to process anything as your breaths become short and hasty, your vision slowly starting to haze.

You hear voices around you.

"Leave her you psycopath!"

"SHE SAID TO LEAVE HER CRAZY WOMAN!" A masculine voice strutted in. Jimin.

You felt yourself pulled back before Mina's hands left your throat, allowing you to breath.

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