Thank you!

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Yes ! I just want to say a big thanks to everyone Even those silent readers too, it's okay if you guys don't want to vote or comment but I applaud you for continuing to read.

After i published my book on Instagram i received more support and i got some good feedback from those who have actually read up to the fifteenth part. My heart is filled with your charming love. Keep reading it and keet supporting me like this.

If anyone want to know about updates or want to share your thoughts about this story you can always contact me on the Instagram, just Dm me, I'm sure I'll reply you when I'm free. Check my bio to get Instagram id.

I am working on the sixteenth chapter and will post it as soon as it is done. Be patient!

yours author @Lara_Oiseau7 🤍

Desire 🤍[ Kth × Readers ] Book One Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant