Chapter 1

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In The morning was filled with warmth as the sun's rays streamed into the room

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In The morning was filled with warmth as the sun's rays streamed into the room. Y/n is peacefully sleeping, her mind free of worries. It was a Sunday, a day for relaxation and enjoyment.

Suddenly, Ebi burst into the room, her voice filled with frustration. She had been trying to wake Y/n up for the past five minutes, but Y/n remained motionless, causing Ebi to wonder if she was even alive?.

Ebi, Y/n's best friend and roommate, "Wake up, Y/n! Stop being a lazy buffalo!"shouted,

Y/n groggily responded, "Yeah, yeah, I'm up! Why are you yelling so early in the morning, you idiot?"

Ebi retorted, "Early in the morning? Are you kidding me? It's already 11 am! Now get up and get ready. We're going shopping." She glared at Y/n,clearly annoyed.Y/n, trying to diffuse the tension,said,

"Okay, girl, chill. Don't give me that death stare. It feels like you're burning a hole through me." With that, she finally got out of the bed.

"Get ready within an hour."Ebi commanded, Y/n nodded and headed to the bathroom to complete her morning routine. Forty minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered and ready for the day. After getting dressed, they both decided to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant.

As they sat down to eat, they overheard a conversation at the next table that sent shivers down their spines. Two men were discussing a brutal murder that had occurred earlier that day.

"Did you see the news? A man was tortured and found dead in the middle of the street," one man said.

"Yeah, I saw it too this morning. It's probably the work of Kim Taehyung. Everyone knows he's behind it. I wonder why no one dares to oppose him," the other man replied.

"Because he's a demon. Anyone who goes against him meets a terrible fate," the first man whispered.

"It's becoming scary to walk alone outside at night nowadays," the second man added.

"If any of his people hear us talking like this, our lives will be over. We need to be careful," the first man cautioned, changing the subject.

Y/n and Ebi exchanged worried glances. The men's words confirmed what they already knew __Kim Taehyung, the world's most powerful businessman, ruled with an iron fist. No one dared to challenge him.

After finishing their meal, they paid the bill and headed to the shopping center. However, the conversation they had overheard lingered in their minds, casting a shadow over their day.


As the clock struck 6 in the evening, Ebi and Y/n were strolling down the street towards their home. Suddenly, Ebi realized that she had left her wallet at the bookstore and decided to retrieve it.

Ebi- "shit! Y/n i forgot my wallet in the book store, I'll go get it, you head home and start preparing dinner" Ebi said, slightly furious at her forgetfulness.

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