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this is probably gonna be a short one😋
non apocalyptic au

y/n pov

"rick we have to go! its about to start!" rick was taking forever to get ready for the party. who knew he would take so long to get ready. "mm you look gorgeous baby" he wrapped his arms around my waist.

i was wearing a longer red dress. it had a slit in the thigh going all the way down to the bottom of the dress. i had a pearl necklace on with matching earings. my hair was curled and i had eyeliner and long lashes on. "mmm you look so handsome" i turned around to look at him. he had a red button up, matching with me, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he had black pants on. his hair was slicked back slightly and he shaved his beard a little. i laid a long kiss on his lips before slipping heels on and walking down the street to our friends party.

"ooh theres drinks! come on rick" i pull his hand towards the bar "not to much ma" he rubbed my back. "2 shots of vodka" i tell the bartender "oh baby i dont want any-" he turns to look at me "its not for you" i smile and take my shot of vodka. i feel it burn down my throat and i close my eyes at the taste "fuck" i open my eyes and shake my head "damn you okay?" he asks me resting his hand on my back. "yeah im good mmm thats so good. bottoms up!" i take the 2nd shot quick. "oh fuckk" it burns my throat and i smile.

"come on lets dance" i laugh "no no y/n-" i pull him to the dance floor i jump up and down dancing to the music "dance with me bitch!" i hold his hands and move him around "y/n you know i dont like dancing" he winces but gives in. he starts dancing with me. a slow dance song comes on. "oo" i wrap my hands around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. i kiss his lips and melt into his touch. i can feel the alchohol hitting my system.

rick pov

i could tell y/n was starting to get tipsy. "mm rick" she moves closer to me. "Rickkk" she kisses my lips and she tastes like alchohol "y/n your drunk" i push her away from me a little "uhuh" she shakes her head and kisses my neck "y/n" i pull her away "rickk whats wrong i love youu" she  pouts "your drunk mama" i kiss her forehead "soo" she puts her hands on my chest "soo we cant do anything" i hold her waist. "i want more drinks" she pushes away from me "no no y/n" she runs away drom me "2 more shots of vodka" she asks the bartender. she downs the first one before i can come close to her "stop baby" she gulps the drink and smiles at me "lets go home" she smirks and looks at me with lust "good idead"

i unlock the door and push it open "come on baby" i hold her shoulders and walk up the stairs with her. i undress her to put her pjs on. "mm Rick why are you putting close back on?fuck me rick please" she stares up at me when i undress her "baby i cant your drunk. rest and ill bring you some water and food okay?" i pat her bum and sit her in bed. "mmm rickk" she groans pulling me closer i kiss her cheek and get up "i love ya"

i go downstairs to get her some food and water. i pour a bowl of ceral, her favorite, and some water. i put it on a platter and bring it upstairs. "here baby" i open the door and she is passed out in bed. i chuckle to myself and take my shirt off. i put some sweats on and climb into bed beside her. i wrap my hands around her waist and snuggle into her back. "hi rick" she scoots back "hi baby" i kiss her shoulder "goodnight my love" she turns her head into mine "goodnight" she falls asleep almost instantly.

~next morning~

y/n pov

i open my eyes and groan my head is pounding and i feel like im gonna throw up. i snuggle into rick behind me and he slowly wakes up. "good morning" he kisses my neck as he wakes up. i get the chills from his touch. i sit up over the edge of the bed and he rubs my back. "fuck" i jump up and run to the bathroom. i sit infront of the toilet hunched over. rick comes up behind me and holds my hair up "told ya not to drink too much" he chuckles a little "oh shut up" after i throw up my dinner i fall over and lay on the bathroom floor. he smiles and picks me up. he plops me down in bed and i fall asleep once again.

i have never done a rick one before. im doing this short one because im working on a pretty long one right now about rick sooo yeah😋

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