31-Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved

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"Jacob!" Josh's voice echoed in the mountains. "Meredith!"

Dani focused on God. She thanked Jesus for saving her and refused to listen to the voice of the enemy.

Did she truly believe He was with her even in this time of trouble? Yes! Jesus' precious blood had covered her sins, and all those who believed, and she was thankful. She wouldn't repay his incredible gift with doubt.

For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. -Romans 10:13

Would she still follow Him with her whole heart if the worst happened and they never found Jacob and Meredith? The question was the most difficult she'd ever answered. Could she follow a God who would take her child away from her just when she'd found him again?

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit—Psalm 34:18

Yes! No matter what, Dani would follow the Lord because he was the creator of all and she'd worship no other. Afraid, she recited the Lord's prayer in her head.

"Over here." Caleb waved. "I found the cave. Anyone have a flashlight?" he asked, switching his on and off. "My battery's dead."

Josh jogged to the narrow entrance of the cavern. Dani followed, calling her son's name. "Jacob!"

No answer. Crisp air came from the dark opening.

Her frantic gaze slammed into Josh's. "I-I don't think they're here."

"The cave opens up once you get further in. We need to check it out." Caleb glanced at Tanner. "Stay with the women."

Tanner looked annoyed. "Why do you always want me to stay with the women?"

Josh smirked. "You don't really want him to answer that."

"One tiny incident," Tanner complained. "And it's like I can't hang with the guys anymore. The snake looked real."

"You climbed a tree and got stuck. Ty and I had to get you down, and when we did you didn't listen to us." Caleb's said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Josh ended up catching you."

Tanner released a heavy sigh. "Fine."

"I'm going too," Dani was adamant, seeing the concern on Josh's face. "Please. I have to do this."

Josh tensed. "Dani—"

"You don't have to protect me. I can manage." Her voice held a pleading note.

"The spaces are small," Caleb warned, knowing how claustrophobic she was. "Some areas you can't even stand."

She lifted her chin, determined. God would be with her. "I won't get in the way or slow you down."

Josh hesitated a moment, then gave a curt nod. "Stay behind me."

"Thank you," she breathed, relieved.

One by one they entered the cave that was so narrow they had to turn sideways to fit. Josh was in front of her, behind Caleb, and Ty was behind her.

"All good?" Josh turned his head and whispered to her once they cleared the entrance and the cold, dark cavern opened into a small room. The walls were wet and slimy.

"Y-yes." She shivered from the cold, but forced a smile so he wouldn't worry. He wasn't fooled but he let the subject drop.

"How many rooms are there?" Josh asked Caleb.

"Hmm." Caleb scratched his head. "It's been a while since I did this, but...maybe two more, and then it opens up into a larger room."

"Let's keep moving," Ty suggested, hearing a squeaking noise that sounded suspiciously like bats.

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