29-You need faith as small as a mustard seed

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Josh had never been this scared in his life, but he didn't want Dani to know.

He had to stay strong for her and for Jacob. His gut hollowed thinking about his boy. He'd been sure Jacob and Mer would be back at camp when he and Dani returned. Meredith was angry with him but she loved Jacob, and he trusted her with his child.

A cold certainty settled in him. If they could get back to camp, they would. So where were they?

Josh trusted the Lord, but...

His heart tripped on that last word--but. He trusted God but he was afraid.

Faith was easy when things were going well. But what if it was God's will to take their child? A knife of pain pierced him, stealing the air from his lungs. Dani would be devastated. What would they do?

He paused, really thing about the question.

If the worst happened, and he lost Jacob or Dani, or any one of the people he loved, what would happen then?

The answer was swift and sure.

Josh would fall on his knees and praise the Lord God Almighty. Whatever happened, he'd lean rely on Jesus to get them through. The certainty of that strengthened him.

They were gathering their backpacks with supplies when Caleb asked, "What do you think happened to them?"

He'd asked himself the question a hundred times, but all he had was guesses and nothing that would help them. "I wish I knew."

Caleb looked uncertain. "You don't think Meredith took him and left?"

His head snapped up. "You mean left the park."

"Yeah." Caleb released a heavy sigh. "If you need me, I'm all in. Whatever it takes and no matter what happens. You know I love Jacob, and Meredith has been a good friend." Caleb's gaze flicked to his. "But is there a chance Mer got upset and ran off with Jacob?"

He'd considered the possibility himself, so he understood Caleb's concern. "I don't think so."

"She loves him," Tanner quietly put in. "Like her own son."

"Mer loves expensive jewelry too, but she doesn't rob a store."

"I had to ask," Caleb said quietly, zipping his backpack.

Josh inhaled a deep breath. "You're the best friends a man could ask for. None of you have to be here. It might be best if you left."

"No," Ty shook his head, dismissing that idea. "We need to stick together."

"Agreed," Tanner seconded. "Together is better."

"We'd never leave you alone when you need us most. It's not how we roll." Caleb tossed a lopsided smile.

"Ok, so it's agreed, we're all in." Ty looked at the guys. "Any ideas where to start?"

Dani walked up to them, her face pale and a strange glint in her eyes. She pointed. "There."

Josh's gaze lifted.

"That's a mountain." Tanner's tone was dry.

Tapping an oval stone with her boot, Dani threw him a small smile. "And that's a rock."

"Cute. Glad you're still able to make jokes."

"Were you joking about climbing that mountain?" Rachel asked staring up the fearsome-looking climb. "It's about to storm."

"Jacob and Meredith are up there. I know it." Dani glanced around, her eyes beseeching them to listen.

Silence and a few disturbed expressions answered her certainty.

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