23-Love the Lord God with all your heart and soul...

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Dani was afraid.

That was the reason she was acting weird about Jacob's drawing. He'd known something was wrong and had asked her several times before Josh had gotten home. Jacob finally accepted her answer, that she hadn't slept well and needed a good night's rest for the camping trip.

"I'll pray you get the best sleep ever!" Jacob had given her a kiss on the cheek to seal the deal.

She'd told her son the truth. Josh's obligatory proposal hurt. He said he loved them both, but she suspected he considered Meredith the better choice. Dani was only an option because she was Jacob's mother. He only wanted her because it was what he thought Jesus would want.

Dani gasped and jerked back at her thoughts. He only wanted her because it was what he thought Jesus would want. If that's what the Lord wanted, nothing else mattered. She wouldn't allow her pride to get in the way of the Lord's plan.

It would crush her to be his second choice, but Dani would please God above herself. Sinking to her knees, she bowed her head and prayed. Long after she was done, Dani listened.

...love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

The words whispered into the darkest corners of her heart. She repeated them over and over until she fell into a deep, restful sleep.


Josh fell to his knees and prayed.

"Forgive me, Lord God, for failing you. I've failed Dani and Jacob. I never meant to hurt them. And Meredith. I've wronged her. I'm so sorry. She's always been there for Jacob and me, and I love her, but...Dani..." He was quiet for a moment, trying to find the right words.

"Dani says you changed her, and I believe it. She's the girl I fell in love with. The mother Jacob needs. I thought you wanted me to marry Meredith. Caleb was right about me not listening. Not hearing. Help me to hear, Lord God. I have faith you will answer."

Afterward, he was still. Listening. Believing God would speak to him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

His phone buzzed with a text. He ignored it.

...and do not lean on your own understanding.

He jerked his chin at the clear words from Proverbs.

Again, his phone buzzed. It stopped a couple of minutes and started up again.

Reaching for his phone, he glanced at the screen and read the text.

Meredith: Are you still awake?

He tapped the screen and called her.

"Hey," she answered, her voice slightly breathless.

Lord, give me the words. "Hey. How are your parents?"

"They're ok, but I don't think they'll make the trip." A pause. A sniffle? "I'm not sure I will either. I've been praying, and I think somethings wrong." Meredith was crying.

He didn't think it was possible to feel any worse but he did.

"Are we ok, Josh?"

This wasn't a conversation he wanted to have on the phone, but he couldn't lie to her. "I don't know, Mer."

She let out a soft, stifled sob. "It's Dani, isn't it?"

"Mer, I am so sorry." It wasn't enough, not even close, but he didn't know what else to say. "You've been there for Jacob and me, and I wanted to marry you, but... We should talk in person."

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