26-You've got to have faith

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"There's not going to be a girl fight is there?"

Dani tossed Rachel a look that wordlessly conveyed seriously.

"Sorry. Bad joke," Rach said, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "Just trying to lighten the mood."

Dani kept a straight face. "It would have been funny if I wasn't worried it might happen."

Rach's lips parted. "Really?"

"No," Dani laughed. "Not really. It was another bad joke. Sorry to disappoint but there will be no fighting."

Rach and Annie burst out laughing too.

Annie wiped tears from her eyes. "Anyone else concerned that we're way too entertained with things that shouldn't be that funny?"

Rach shrugged. "Hey, it's good stress relief."

"God would prefer we find the humor rather than the anger." Dani held up a cooking utensil and studied it quizzically. "What is this?"

"Potato masher?" Annie didn't sound too sure.

One of Rachel's dainty brows lifted. "Possibly. Could also be a weapon."

The three of them sat around their tent in chairs organizing their supplies. Lindy and Meredith had taken the boys to the river to fish. It was Dani's idea, but Meredith quickly jumped in and said she'd go and give Dani "a chance to rest".

When Dani said she wasn't tired, things got a bit tense. Short of wrestling the fishing pole out of Meredith's hand, Dani saw no choice but to let her take Jacob fishing. Of course, she could have joined them, but there was no reason to ruin their fishing adventure with a heavy dose of awkwardness.

Lindy had thrown her a help me look, but it was loyalty to Dani that prompted it. Meredith was the kind of person people wanted to be around, someone you could count on and call a true friend. It was good that she and Lindy were getting better acquainted. Lindy needed friends, and it wasn't her fault that Dani and Meredith both loved Josh.

Lord, please soften my heart. I know it's not your will for me to feel this competition with Meredith. I need your help to stop breaking the 10th commandment.

"I know this is hard for you, Dani," Annie's voice was full of compassion. "We're here if you need us."

"Absolutely," Rachel seconded. "Just like old times. The three of us against the world or the bad guys."

"I appreciate it." She played with a string on her chair, her thoughts diving deep. "I'm not sure why it took me so long to come home. This mess is my fault. I never wanted to hurt anyone."

"Of course, you didn't," Annie said quietly. "God's timing is perfect and you're where you belong now."

Dani calmed a little at the certainty in her voice. "Meredith's not the bad guy."

"No," Rach agreed. "Sometimes there aren't any. Just bad circumstances."

Her heart was heavy. Dani wanted to tell them what Josh said about them marrying her, but she didn't want to cause drama and it didn't matter anymore. He'd brought Meredith on the trip. Obviously, he'd changed his mind. She forced the next words. "Josh belongs with her."


Annie didn't seem too sure, but Dani let the subject drop.  "I'm sorry I missed your wedding."

Standing, Annie twisted her long hair up and fastened it with a clip before turning to her friends. "Detective Reynolds called Ty."

"He did?" Rach looked confused and then upset. "Why didn't you tell us?"

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