Fourteen-God take away these feelings

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"Hey, Dani!" Lindy called as she joined her in the concession line. Like Meredith, Lindy was wearing a Warriors shirt and baseball cap.

"Hi, Lindy. How are you?" She felt a genuine smile touch her lips. She was glad to see a friendly face since it seemed like she was the only one who didn't know the other moms. Only she did know them. She'd gone to high school with most of them, but, like the rest of the town, they were on a mission to pretend she didn't exist.

"Busy. But no real complaints." Lindy nodded. "Actually, I'm embarrassed. I messed up and I hope you'll forgive me."

Dani's eyes widened. "What did you do?"

Lindy was hesitant. "I, uh, wanted to apologize for what I said at the party."

Dani had no clue what she was talking about and her face must have spoken for her because Lindy kept talking.

"When I complimented your relationship with Josh, I had no idea how you two ended." Her face was flushed. "Some of the other moms clued me in. I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

The dads in front of them paid no mind to their conversation and Dani was thankful. Turning, she saw a group of Warrior moms whispering and nodding in her direction.

"No worries. You did nothing wrong." Dani kept her voice low, determined not to reveal her upset. "If you want to go and tell your friends I'm not upset, you can."

Lindy appeared confused until she saw the group of women watching them, and a bitter laugh escaped her. "They're not my friends, and I promise they aren't just gossiping about you. My name is being thrown around too."

Surprise flitted through Dani. Caught off guard, she wasn't sure how to respond. "I'm sorry."

"Honestly, I had no idea who you were until yesterday," Lindy said as they moved up in line. "I've seen your movies, but you don't look anything like Danielle Christy."

"That's the point. I needed to escape and start over. It's impossible to do that if everyone knows who I am." Dani glanced uneasily at the women. "You might not believe this but I used to be friends with them, but I haven't spoken to most of them in years."

"Don't worry about them telling anyone you're here," Lindy assured, reading her mind. "The town has agreed it's best to keep outsiders, well outside, our little town. It's in our best interests not to have the press pestering us."

"That's what Caleb said."

"Everyone here loves Josh and Jacob. They'd never do anything to hurt either of them."

Relief swept through Dani. "I'm glad."

"Look I'm just going to say it, and I don't want you to worry about hurting my feelings. Say no if this isn't cool with you. Alright?" Lindy looked at her anxiously.

"Alright. What is it?"

"You and I have a lot in common, more so than I realized. I'm clearly not part of that group, you know the cool moms." Lindy tipped her head in the direction of the mom group watching them. "I'd like to be friends."

"Me too. Friends it is."

"Awesome!" Lindy beamed, and they stepped up to order.

She and Lindy made plans to have coffee and Danielle felt good. Really good. Feeling lighter and happier, she made her way back to the bleachers carrying popcorn and a cherry slush. She'd almost made it when someone stepped in front of her and knocked the slush out of her hands and onto her white shirt.

"Oh no! I am so sorry," came a mocking female voice.

Dani gasped. Cold, red liquid seeped through her t-shirt and wet her skin. When she glanced up, she saw one of the moms who'd watched her and Lindy smirking.

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