18-God help him

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Seeing Dani and Jacob together like this stole his breath.

The tender scene undid him. Ripped him into pieces and put him back together, more solid, and stronger than before. A sense of peace washed over him.

She was Jacob's mother. That's all he was feeling for Dani, he told himself but deep down he knew he was lying. After all these years, a piece of him still belonged to her. It was the reason he'd been avoiding her.

That and the fact that God had chosen to remain silent on the issue. His prayers for guidance were so far unanswered, but he was determined to wait. Dani's soft, feminine laughter drew his attention.

Wearing khaki shorts and a pink t-shirt with her hair pulled into a high ponytail and no makeup, she looked young and innocent. Several wayward curls escaped their hairband and framed her heart-shaped face. His own heart twisted.

Watching the way she tilted her head against Jacob's, Josh realized the glowing beauty she radiated was happiness. He'd never seen her as happy as she was with her son, their son.

Could he trust her?

As much as he wanted to believe she'd stick around and be Jacob's mother, Josh was skeptical. He had to be. Jacob was his responsibility and couldn't afford to let down his guard. Not yet.

But that's exactly what he'd done when he'd suggested to Mer that Dani pick up Jacob. Meredith, God bless her, loved his son, and as much as she wanted Dani to be a part of Jacob's life, Mer was hesitant. She didn't want Jacob hurt. He wondered if he should have listened to her.

He was about to turn around and walk outside to catch his breath, but Dani looked up and his gaze slammed into hers. He felt a connection zing through him, leaving him stunned. Understandable, he reasoned. They shared a child. That's all it was. Had things gone differently, they could have been a family.

"Dad!" Jacob cried, running to him. "We went to the park and played and cooked dinner!"

"Sounds like a good day." He ruffled his boy's hair.

"It was the best day ever!"

"Oh, it was, was it?" he laughed, picking Jacob up and lifting him high in the air.

Jacob shrieked with laughter. "Yes!"

"What did you and your mom make for dinner? Liver and onions?" Josh teased.

Jacob's face scrunched in disgust. "No!"

Josh feigned shock. "Broccoli?"

"God hasn't answered your prayer," Jacob giggled. "I still don't like broccoli."

"Maybe tomorrow," he said, feeling the weight of Dani's gaze on them. "Why don't you wash your hands while I talk to your mom."

Jacob hesitated, his worried gaze sliding to Dani. "She's not in trouble, is she?"

"Did she do something wrong?" he joked, but instead of laughing his son looked concerned. "I just want to visit."

Jacob's gaze swung from his dad to his mom. "I'll be back soon."

Josh bit back a smile at the note of warning in his boy's voice, and his attention moved to Dani. He felt like he'd been kicked in the chest.

A moment crawled by while they stared at one another. She fidgeted and he knew she was uncomfortable, though he wasn't sure why.

Her soft voice broke the silence. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Her stricken expression hollowed his gut. "I thought we could talk about how the day went. Obviously, Jacob had fun."

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