22-Where Jesus waits

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"You and Tanner could use some help finishing up that breezeway." Caleb tipped his chin at Josh. It wasn't a question.

Josh loaded some tools into the back of the truck and his gaze cut to Caleb. "We could?"

"I need to think. Work helps. It's been a while since I've done carpentry." He hauled some wood into Josh's truck as if proving his worth. "Need to keep up the skills."

"You're avoiding Rachel," Josh deadpanned, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"We agreed to talk tonight. A little space will do us good. C'mon, I'm close to losing it. Either you put me to work or I go to the gym."

Josh choked back laughter.

Caleb frowned.

"Sorry, but have you ever been to a gym?"

"Never and I don't want to star today. So will you help me?"

Josh jumped from the tailgate with athletic grace and landed on his feet. "We've got plenty to do, but I know there's no shortage of work at your place."

"True. But Lilibeth's at my place."

"Ah, I see. You're avoiding both women."

Caleb's brow shot up, hearing the disapproval Josh hadn't been able to completely keep from his voice. "Unlike you who's leading both of them along."

"What?" Josh went still. "That's what you think I'm doing?"

Caleb had the grace to grimace. "Nah, I didn't mean that. Things are a mess with Rachel, and I'm being a jerk."

"Yeah, you're a jerk," Josh laughed, upset with himself, not Caleb. "But you call it like you see it."

"Sometimes, but what do I know? My wife is going on dates with other men."

"It's none on my business," Josh said slowly. "And I don't know the whole story..."

"Ok, deal. You be brutally honest and I'll do the same. You go first." Caleb motioned with his hand. "Tell me the truth. I'm man enough to take it."

Releasing a heavy sigh, Josh rolled his head. "You asked for it. I've noticed Lilibeth flirting with you."

"She flirts with everyone! Including you!" Caleb's threw his arms up defensively.

"Do you want to hear this or not?" he fired back, and Caleb got quiet. "I know you're not cheating on Rachel. You love her. You're not interested in any other woman." He paused, seeing he had Caleb's full attention. "It's hard for Rachel to see another woman flirting with her man. She's hurt that you haven't put a stop to it."

Caleb stared as if replaying what Josh had said. "How could I stop it?"

He looked so clueless that Josh felt sorry for him. "Tell her to stop touching you."

"She doesn't touch me!" Caleb's expression was a mask of indignation and confusion.

"Yes. She does." He wondered if he was this naive about his own life. "Her hand brushes your face. Your arm. Chest. Once I saw her smack your rear. How do you not know this?"

Caleb looked suddenly troubled. His face flushed. "Sure, I knew Lilibeth was the touchy-feely type, but she's a talented trainer. I guess it never registered how inappropriate it was. Rachel is my everything. I'd never betray her."

"Again, I don't know the whole story, but I'd say this dinner with Dr. Dreamy isn't what you think. Rachel would never cheat on you."

"Yeah, you're right." Caleb tapped the bedcover.

"Your turn."

Taking a deep breath, Caleb clapped his hands together once and pointed with both fingers at Josh. "It's obvious to everyone, but you, that you still love Dani."

Josh swallowed hard. "It's obvious to me too."

"Have you prayed? And waited for God's answer?"

"Yes." He swallowed hard, remembering the dream he'd had a few nights ago. Dani and Jacob had been chasing a kite and he'd been running after them.  "I'm almost positive God wants Dani, Jacob and me to be a family."

Caleb stared at him like he was the dumbest person on the planet. "Why are you engaged to Meredith?"

His gut clenched and shamed washed through him at the trouble he'd caused. "As soon as I see Meredith, I'll talk to her."

"What about Dani?"

"I told her I still wanted to marry her, but she didn't give me an answer."

"Bro, I'm sorry." Caleb let out a heavy sigh. "Tell me she didn't feed you the lame I need time to think line."

"No, you walked in and we stopped talking about it."

"Guess I owe you," Caleb said rubbing his jaw. His hand lowered revealing a grin. "I may be a C- in relationships, but I know a lot about women and I'm willing to share my expertise."

Josh laughed.

"I'm serious." Caleb threw a mock look of offense.

"That's why it's funny."

They both bust out laughing.


"You're all packed and ready to go," Dani smiled down at her son as she closed his suitcase. He looked so much like Josh that a feeling of warmth spread in her chest.

She loved them so much, and she wanted to marry Josh and raise Jacob with him more than she'd ever wanted anything. Lord, please, give me wisdom I'm afraid and I don't know what to do.

"Thanks for helping me." Jacob smiled. "Do you think Mrs. Huckabee liked my picture?"

Dani rubbed her chin, pretending to think. "I think she absolutely adored your picture! She put it on the front of the refrigerator."

"I don't think she knew what it was." Jacob's serious expression made him seem much older.

"Maybe not, but all of the color you used created a stunning...sunset," Dani guessed.

Jacob laughed. "It's not a sunset. It's the place where Jesus will come for me."

The calm certainty in his voice sent a trickle of unease down her spine. He was so young and yet he sounded confident as if he knew more about this than she did.

"What do you mean, where Jesus will come for you?"

"Jesus and I talk a lot. If I ever lost my way, I know he'd come for me in a place just like the one in the picture. Then we'd go home." Jacob shrugged like this was something four-year-old's said every day.

Fear clogged her throat, but she fought it. "It seems like a perfect place to wait. Lot of trees and hills."

"And a sunset," Jacob added with bright smile.

Dani sank to her knees, not wanting to make more of what he was saying than she should. "Can I have a hug?"

Jacob went into her arms and she held on tight wishing she never had to let go.

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