Two-A new beginning

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Beep, Beep.

"My baby's going to die, isn't she?" Jennifer sighed, carefully dotting her smoky eyes with fresh tissue.

Beep, beep.

Dani heard her mom's voice through the thick fog. Inhaled her thick perfume mingled with something else. Antiseptic? It smelled like a doctor's office.

She heard the click of Jennifer's heels on the tile.

Beep, beep. Beep, beep...

What was that noise?

She tried to speak. Opened her mouth. Nothing came out. Her throat was dry, scratchy, and her head hurt. It was so dark. Crinkling her nose, she realized her eyes were closed.

"Ms. Spencer, it might be better if you wait outside," a calm, male voice answered.

"I'm her mother!" Jennifer's loud sobs followed. "How dare you suggest I leave, Dr. Bailey!"

The dramatic statement was delivered like a line from a play.

Who was Dr. Bailey? Was Josh here? Did he bring Jacob?

"Do you know who she is? Who I am?" Jennifer snapped. "I should speak with your supervisor!"

"As I've said before, your daughter's injuries are not fatal. This isn't helping," he answered patiently. "She will need your strength when she wakes up."

Dani fought to open her eyes. They felt heavy. She heard a moan and realized it had come from her.

"Sweetheart?" Jennifer gasped.

Someone was suddenly at her side. A doctor. Dani blinked. He was young and had kind eyes. Most women would find him attractive. There was only one man Dani found attractive, and she'd lost him forever.

She was shallow. Selfish. Stupid. Sinful.

Josh had wanted to marry her. She'd been pregnant and afraid, and he wanted to marry her! Why didn't she say yes? If only she could rewind the last few years, and do it over again. Live her life with Josh and their precious son. Thinking of Jacob her heart cracked wide open.

She'd need a time machine to fix her lie. No, what she needed was God. He'd saved Josh, but would he want her after what she'd done?

You are mine

"What?" she whispered.

Repent daughter so that your sins may be wiped out.

"Forgive me." Her voice was weak.

"What did she say?" Jennifer asked loudly, moving to her. "Danielle, everything will be ok."

"Where am I?" her voice was rusty.

"You're in the hospital," a calm voice answered. "I'm Dr. Bryan Bailey."

Dani tried to turn my head, but it was stiff, painful. "Is Josh here?"

The doctor's gaze flicked to my mom.

"Of course not." Jennifer's gaze flew to Dr. Bailey before returning to Dani. "He's getting engaged. Don't you remember?"

"What?" she gasped, and the beeping increased in temp. "No. No!"

"Dani, calm down."

Josh was getting married? Tears filled her eyes.

"It's going to be ok," Dr. Bailey said quietly, his voice soothing. "Let's start with what you remember."

She tried to take slow, even breaths, but she felt dizzy and sick to her stomach. What happened to her? It came back in slow, frightening flashbacks.

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