30-God is with us

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They kept climbing until they were all exhausted and thirsty, and still, it seemed as though their faith was tested.

"We've got to take a break," Josh said after Dani had stumbled for the third time.

"I second that," Rachel put in. "Just for a minute. I need water."

"We'll stop as soon as we find some shade," Ty assured them, squeezing his wife's hand. Annie gave him a smile.

Tanner wiped his brow. "This is really like the wilderness."

"It's a mountain," Caleb grumbled. "A tall, steep beast of a mountain."

"I meant figuratively. You know when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and God wanted them to trust in Him alone?"

One of Caleb's brows lifted. "You must be dying of thirst if you failed to pick on my sarcasm."

Josh smiled. Their banter was oddly comforting.

"Not sure I remember all the details of the story. Does anyone know what happened to the people of Israel?" Tanner's eyes widened.

"Some of them turned to false gods when it got tough." The haunted look in Josh's eyes tugged at Dani's heart. They'd both had their own false gods even if they hadn't realized that was what they were at the time. Hers had been money and security. If only, she'd trusted God instead of trying to run her own life.

"That's wild." Tanner shook his head. "I mean those people saw God part the Red Sea and send them manna when they were hungry. They witnessed miracles and still they doubted. What was wrong with them?"

"Same thing that's wrong with us," Josh answered quietly. "It's easy to trust in the Lord when everything is going good, but disaster strikes, and people quickly forget."

"I don't want to forget," Rach whispered.

Dani was shaking. "Years ago, when Josh first started telling me about Jesus, I heard the story of Moses and the people of Israel and I didn't understand how people who have witnessed God's miracles could turn on him either."

The others waited for her to continue.

"Now I understand. I know the Lord is the one true God and the creator of everything, but when I'm stressed or scared prayer isn't always my first option."

"We've all been there Dani. That's why Jesus said, If anyone desires to come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."

Tanner cupped his hands around his mouth. "Say it louder for the people in the back...take up his cross daily, and follow Me."

Ty gave a slow nod. "We're God's children, but even after we've accepted Jesus we continue to struggle against the worldly desires. It's not easy."

"That's right if it was easy Jesus wouldn't have said to take the narrow gate. Because the wide gate leads to destruction, right?" Rachel asked.

Tanner scratched his head. "Not sure I'm following."

"Jesus was warning his people to follow him even when it's not the popular thing to do," Josh explained, seeing Ty's smile of approval. "A lot of people will chase the world and that road leads to death."

"Let me put this in easy-to-understand Tanner terms," Caleb said dryly. "If your friend jumps off a bridge, don't do it. Talk to Jesus."

Josh let out a low, deep chuckle. "That about sums it up."


Ty gestured to the small tree sprouting from a boulder and providing a nice area of shade. "This is as good a place as any."

They sat down and got water from their backpacks. Dani's throat was dry and she felt like she could drink a gallon of water, but she made do with the one bottle. Her stomach growled a low protest, but she didn't dare reach into her meager food rations. They didn't know how long they'd be out here.

Watching her friends, waves of gratitude and shame flooded her. The people she'd turned her back on were willing to risk their lives to help her find her son. She could search for the rest of her life and never find loyal friends whose faith in God was as strong as these.

If they die, it will be your fault.

Fear slithered like a snake along her spine.

You were jealous of Meredith and now she's gone with your child.

"I still can't believe the sun is shining." Annie watched the horizon in fascination.

"It's only shining on us," Ty returned, following her gaze to the raging storms surrounding them. "I've never seen anything like it."

"We're witnessing one of God's miracles," Rachel said in awe.

Dani wet her lips, fighting the panic rising within her. "Do you think Parker, Lindy, and Charlie made it out of the park?"

Rach rubbed her temples. "I think so."

Seeing Dani's expression, Josh looped an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry. They made it. Parker drives like he's trying out for NASCAR," he teased.

"There is that." Dani couldn't believe she could still smile, but she did. "Thank you, Josh. Thank all of you."

Annie put her hand on Dani's.  "We'd never let you go through this alone."

"I don't deserve it not after the pain I've caused all of you." Her gaze flicked briefly to each of them. "I'm sorry. I can't believe I hurt the best friends in the entire world. It's enough and I don't deserve it, but please, forgive me."

"You're forgiven." Ty gave her a small smile. "We forgave you a long time ago."

"It's not as if we've never messed up." Rachel's gaze slid to her husband's, and they stared at one another for several heartbeats.

"We all make mistakes." Caleb's voice was thick with emotion. "It's why we need Jesus."

"It's no excuse, but the fast-paced life, parties, and attention were like a spider-web I couldn't escape." Dani looked up. "At least not without Jesus. He saved me."

"He saved us all." Josh's gaze flicked to hers. "God forgave us and we forgive you."

Dani couldn't tear her eyes from Josh's. She was afraid he might see too much of what was in her heart. "His grace amazes me."

"It does us all. They even wrote a song about it." Tanner's lips tugged at the corners. "Hey, I never pass on the opportunity to lighten the mood."

Quiet laughter followed.

Josh gently chucked Dani beneath the chin. She loved him so much. Especially now that she realized what love truly meant. Love wasn't just a feeling it was an action, a choice to put someone else's needs above your own and stay with them forever.

"We'll be ok," Josh told her. "All of us."

"We will." She watched him glance down and felt the tension thread in his muscles as he stared at the ground.

Josh crouched and reached for something in the dirt, his expression was unreadable. "It's Jacob's ichyths. He never takes it off."

Dani's chest tightened at the little fish, the symbol for early Christians, on a leather cord. "They were here! We're on the right track."

Caleb jerked his chin. "There's a cave. Shouldn't be too far from here."

Dani looked towards the sky and her heart stopped at the breathtaking hues of blue, orange, and purple painting a striking picture.  Jacob's picture. "It's just like Jacob's picture!"

"You ok, Dani?"

She heard the concern in his voice and forced back overwhelming emotion. "The picture Jacob painted Mrs. Huckabee. I asked him what it was, and he said it was where Jesus told him to wait. Oh, Josh!"

His arms folded around her, and his lips moved near her ear. "God is with us."

Unfailing Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें