Just an experiment

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third person pov

"Here we are." vanitas pushed the door open, and the other people behind them waited for the potential danger behind the door, noe guarding Y/n standing in front of her as if he was a shield made of titanium that could take down even missiles and still stay intact.

Instead of the dreaded enemy, the air burst with a sparkly party bomb which left everyone besides the ble vampire in bafflement, while he greeted him with relief and said that he brought accomplices, the puny doctor burst into tears due to immense happiness that they wanted to support him, her eyes were black as she scanned the whole room with creepy looking humans, since she was sitting far from the doctor right next to Roland, who forcefully took the job as her protector.

It was not hard for her to put another illusion around her to change her appearance in front of the doctor, her brown eyes and hair matched, and her face even morphed into a different one, making Roland creeped out and curious. The doctor happily danced as Vanitas lied his way through to him and got answers. he is a smooth liar. 

The eccentric doctor proceeded to take a jar out preserving vampire eyes in it. He was flustered while talking about it, and while everyone took a sharp breath, Y/n sneaked a glance at Vanitas, his emotions shifted as he continued interrogating him. Her anxiety picks up when he started talking about his past and while hugging him. The anger spiked in her blood, as he said aloud the horrifying trauma and abuse he gave to the person he was not clutching tight in his arms. Y/n nails whipped out, but her hand was stopped by Roland who gave her a sharp eye.

But she couldn't focus on anything other than that foul doctor's hands which were inches away from Vanitas eyes, as he crazily babbled about his blue eyes, Roland removed his hand from her wrist. The doctor's face crinkled, his hand reaching out to touch his eyes as he looked unfazed but she saw his eyes wavering like a weak leaf. The snapping anger in her made her want to break that arm like a twig but she stayed seated to not disturb the interrogation. She knows his skills, and he will get the truth out of him but she also knows he always ends up in a bad situation. This time she will prevent it, no matter what.

Her senses lost it when she heard that doctor ask if he could gouge one out to study.  Her gaze met Noe's and she knew what was coming. The senses hit her in a moment, and she was on her feet before Roland could turn his head, to the table Noe had the doctor pinned on the table, his patience had run out and most importantly he didn't wanna hear another nonsense that the doctor was spouting. The instant the half-vampires charged from behind and aimed for them, the chasseurs were alerted by her and Noe's movements and sprung into the fight with those half-humans. 

The time has after all, for her to test out her powers.

First-person pov - Y/n 

I shoot the dagger hidden under my belt into the air, that dark shadow figure didn't stop though with the attack on the heart, I jumped high enough to dodge the attack and as Roland stepped in, he took care of the other half-humans. I looked in the direction of Vanitas in shock, they were one second holding the doctor and next he was swept out of their hands by a caped dark man. Once I reached closer, his red eyes made me remember him from the night of the great ball.

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