Moontalk pt. 2

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He embraced me like this was our last moment alive, together. The intensity of his warmth faded away the freezing coldness out of my body and I just nestled into his neck. Feeling the vein thump slowly because of hsi blood.

" Vanitas " I called him, even though he was right here with me. My mind was weak and shaky, I didn't know why but his embrace felt like a place of comfort, like home.

" Yes, my Y/n." he responded to me, his heart thumping was rising at an alarming rate. I pushed aside the fact and just breathed in his scent. The same rose and wood scent which reminded me of the benalovué rose garden.

The one where I...

Where I never want to go again. Never again.

" No. " I softly whispered, into his black jacket, my fingers tightened on his coat. He dipped his head down to hear me and it was a dangerous move. His face was so much closet to mine that even in the darkest of night, he would have seen the tears that were on the edge of my purple eyes.

" Why are you.... " the next words were silent. He didn't say anything further, nothing but looking in my eyes, and the purple tears forming in my eyes. I wished to turn away my face, so that he couldn't see me like this.

But he had already seen me. He had seen the worst of me, the side of me nobody ever saw, and I was stupid enough to let him see it. The part of me which was hidden away in the darkness, he had seen me.

I hadn't noticed, but now realised that every little moment I spent with him, he had seen me.

He was like a magician, he knew all sorts of my deepest desires and darkest emotions. I didn't know how must have know this but he knew. Yet he was here, holding me like this no one ever did. Neither the ones who claimed they loved me, for they never made me feel like I was alive.

But he was different.

This time the last strong chain snapped and the everything collapsed, inside of my heart, those big and shielding walls that guarded my pain and heartache from escaping from inside of me.

I buried my face into his long coat, and cried. So pitifully and loudly, that someone must have heard me. But they didn't matter anymore, because he was with me.

He had closed his arms around my upper body, carrying me like a baby and holding me against his chest, inside his coat as I cried against his blue shirt. My body shook badly, the cold breeze making my skin go numb.

I felt like I would have fallen apart if he wasn't holding me tight.

I fisted his shirt in my palm, resisting to let go of him ever. Even if the world falls apart I would never let go of him.

" I don't know why you are crying, but you shall promise me that after you shed your past haunted memories in these tears.

I will be still here, no matter what your past was , or what shall your future be. I love you, Y/n. I will never let go of you, not until you don't need me. " he vowed, his words had me crying more hard that I couldn't hold myself back anymore.

I pulled away and looked at his face, those enthralling blue eyes, and his pale skin had been marked with blue tears. I was in awe, more like in surprise and so was he. He was always beautiful, every part of him even when he cried.

The moon shone over us, as my purple tears and his blue tears glowed. We stared at each other astonished, nothing made sense. His eyes slowly looked above my head, widening in shock.

I mirrored his actions and the sight made me gasp. I drew in a deep breath, the sight ahead was so rare that I wouldn't avert my eyes away ever.

There it was. The moon so beautiful and exquisite, the left part shining bright blue and other purple light over the whole city of Paris. The moon was glowing like our tears, blue and purple. It's light cascading over the night sky and the white flowers in the restaurant garden glowed partly blue and purple.

" Vanitas, do you know what that means? " I asked, hazy vision of us laughing together falling before my eyes and then it vanished.

" I do. " his calm answer made me look at him, the tears still in his eyes as he reached his hand to the side of my face, tucking the hair behind and caressing my cheek in the same manner he did before. He eyes looked at me in awe and adoringly, even though he was crying.

" I found you. You're my destined to be. You're my only to be soulmate. The moon guided me to you and you to me. The moon is the only one who knows who my bride is and it is you. Aurelia Y/n. The blue and purple halfs are us;together we are here whole. "

A/n :- would you believe me when I say I cried while writing this? I can't tell how much this chapter made me cry while I wrote it. Also, another reason I cried was because how bad author I am.

I must apologize for my lack of sincerity to you, my readers. I don't have any excuse except for the fact that I just left this book without any updates for months.

However, just forgive me this one time and please continue to read this story.

I would also love to thank you dearly for 15k views. I must have been very arrogant to not thank you all, who read Or vote Or comment on my story. You're all a part of this story and I'm grateful for that. Please continue being with this story. 💜💙

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