What is love

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" Vanitas" noé continued, his legs continued to dance along with the slow beats of music, "What the hell is love?" 

This question made the latter laugh at the serious honey-skinned vampire, " I knew something was on your mind,noe." He pointed at noé's serious expression. 

"Even I don't know the meaning of love, its just something someone can feel only." he said proudly smiling at him.

" Do you feel it ? " Noé said making vanitas halt in surprise, and stare at him with wide eyes, preplexed by his question. 

"Have you ever felt love?" Noé cleared his throat, thinking the question came out as wrong.

Vanitas furrowed his eyesbrows in thought, he glanced at the pink haire female who was dancing with domiinique, a smile plastered on her face but the familiar feeling which used to  bubble in his heart and stomach disapppered in a blink of an eye. 

He saw a tall man, fitted in expensive and royal suit was holding a purple haired girl who had nuetral expression on her face, which reminded him he never saw her smile but he bet she had look even more beautiful.

A burning fire erupted in his heart,jealousy, but he was unaware of it.

" No, I have never felt love."  Vanitas turned his head with a jerk, his mood turned into bitter.

" What about when youre with jeanne?" He questioned further which only pushed his anger on the edge. It was like fuel to fire.

" It was an illusion, even if it lasted for few days, I have certainly realised that what was between me and jeanne was definitely not love but a crazy little obsession." he huffed, before walking to the door of the ballroom.

" Because when we are in love with someone we don't want them to love us back, we just want to love them without thinking of any consequences."

" Love sound like its really dangerous." noé exclaimed, he and vanitas were now outside the palace, staring up the red moon.

Vanitas dakly chuckled," Love is like a poison but we still crave for it. It is pain but sweet pleasure too." 

"Well, you look like a drunkard talking like that, you said you don't know about love." Noe scowled at the smugly smiling blue eye human.

" I still don't, I just read it in a book. Now that you have asked a question, I will ask to you one too." Vanitas turned to noé, who was unbothered by his command, already used to his demanding behaviour.

"How did you meet Y/n?" Noé specifically didn't expect this question from vanitas's mouth.

" Well, the story is that she ran up to my grandparents door in a cold night, drenched in blood. The chaussers were killing every vampire in the area. Her family could not return to vampire world and they were stuck in human world and were killed. Being, a purple moon vampire is hard but it is more hard in real life." Vanitas sat down the bench in the garden, only light was full lamps as he listened to noé continue.

" I knew her before her family died that day, we met in a park, she was so lively. But then it all went down for worse, she hardly talked, hatred in her grew each day for the ruthless humans and red moon vampires, she was even afraid of me because of my birth moon. " He fisted his hands, jaw tightened.

"I can't tell you anymore than that, vanitas if you want to know about her ask herself." Noé met his eyes with blue sapphire one.

Just like the silence hung in the air. A shadow appeared from the darkness. Both vanitas and noé lifted their head to saw Y/n standing not two metres away.

Her arms were crossed over her chest, she sighed " Noé "


Author note:- sort of a filler chapter before the Christmas special chapters. I'm planning to update more in my holidays.stay tuned and drink something warm.

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