Blood and roses

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" So you saw a forest, a castle, blood and a wolf." his voice was strangely serious. I looked at noé, his eyebrows knitted in thought.

I simply nodded at him before sipping my rose tea from the cup. Vanitas sat across me on the dining table, I couldn't bother very much when he gave me a unconvinced look.

Just how smart can he be. I most definitely left out the detail of the wolf because to be honest I'd rather only tell noé about it instead of letting lucas hear about my vision. The royals are always looking down at purple moon vampires, always thinking we are some impure breed just because we were born during the transition period.

The chance of finding the vampire of purple moon is less but not lesser than finding an vampire of blue moon.

" This is weird, I don't know how is that will help you prevent any danger or will be helpful." lucas muttered under his breath and I tightened my grip around the cup. This is what I meant by royalty not respecting our powers, for goodness sake, one vampire of our breed tried to warn them about war between humans and vampires but did these arrogant vampires listen to us.

The sweet taste of tarte tatin was distasteful on my tongue. It was for no wonder, that noé is mentally dancing as the dessert melted in his mouth, the guy i shead over heels for sweet desserts. However, I hate too much sweet. I gladly passed my piece to him too and he looked more than happy.

" Thank you noe, for saving the vampires and preventing the chaos." lucas smiled at the dark skinned man, who was feasting on the tarte tatin. I frowned, my mouth turned downwards as I look at vanitas who was observing noe. Even I admit that it was vanitas and the book which saved all the vampires but then why is lucas not thanking him.

" Vanitas" I called his name, resting my brows in a relaxed manner when I grabbed his attention along with everyone's on the table. His aqua blue eyes turned to me, there was a dullness in them but it was short lived as they now glittered with amusement.

He had his chin rested on expanse of his hand and I draw a sharp breath because of the intensity of his stare. I didn't speak for some moments before let him hear my thoughts.

" I know we started off at wrong foot but Thank you for saving the vampires last night. And I'm sorry for being mean the first time we met." His eyes widened and his mouth fell open, his reaction tells me he was not expecting that.

I can hear domi gasp, lucas was holding his cup in air, jeanne look at me bewildered, heck even noe had stopped eating. Despite, the reactions, my eyes were only focused on vanitas as he now recovered from the shock, and nodded at me.

" Welcome, I'm a doctor after all." his eyes were really mesmerizing because I feel getting pulled towards them. Nevertheless, I nodded and turned my attention to lucas who was sitting beside me, he had turned pale.

It went quiet and nobody spoke for the next moments. After breakfast, we were allowed to whatever we wanted to do until so I let myself head to library to read.

It was the only place where I was at peace. The vintage interior and thick leathered covers of book really set the theme. I had sat on a white sofa and lost the track of hours.

A clearing of throat broke my focus, and I saw noé and domi at the door. I looked at any other place but them, ignoring because I still can not forgive them for they broke their promise.

"Y/n " his said in a tired sigh, I felt a stinging sensation in my eyes, the second I heard him.

" Please, Y/n, try to understand, I was busy with my guard duties and noé was caught in a mission. We were going to visit you later this month." Domi said in a breath but it was still not convincing as to why they let you stay in the human world alone.

" How hard is it for you both to visit me once a year? If it was not because of lucas I would have visited you everyday. And you know, when I heard from the keeper of paris, you were with the vampire of blue moon, I panicked and came here feeling your pulse. But for you, I am not even important." I complained, I knew it sounded childish but I couldn't help but letting out my true feelings with only people who love me.

" I made a mistake and I apologise, I will never repeat this mistake." He sat next to me but I turned away, my back facing him an sighed before thinking of an idea.

" By the way, I have a good news, if you really feels so alone, why don't you accompany with vanitas on our journey." his eyes saw me paused to think and rested the brown leathered book in my lap.

I look up to see domi's face and then noe who was satring at me for answer, I let out an tired sigh. "Fine, but dare break our promise again and I will kidnap you both."

I heard him snicker and domi fall in laughter, and that made me crack a smile too.

"Forever together. " We say, extending his pinky and me and domi warp ours around his we repeated the words which we promised each other when we toddlers.

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