S1- noé x reader

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I decided to write some special chapters along with the story. If you like you can read these too! The storyline for these chapters doesn't affect the original book"BLUE TEARS". These are just complimentary imagines I wished to write about noé. WARNING: THIRSTY STUFF, TRAUMA AND VIOLENCE.


"You're my salvation. "

It was hard to breath as I tugged myself under the sheets, the cold didn't go away even after the medicine the amelia brought. It had already been two days and it felt like my whole is u der some curse of a vampire.

"That is some weird kind of virus. I can't believe even vampires can catch cold this bad. "

Vanitas went to the library to see the solutions for my sickness, my legs trembled as I tried to curl up my body and stay warm but the chilly feeling didn't go away a bit. I couldn't fall asleep when my muscles are aching so badly as if someone beat my whole body up.

"ugh, what in the devil is happening to me. "

The darkness was slowly creeping up around me, I was still awake but my eyes we're too tired to open aas I felt someone touching my face and lift it upwards, a nasty smell of rotten blood made my eyes to shot open.


He stare down at me, I was too weak to move a muscle as he stared down at me with a creepy smile. He stroked my hair as he examined my face, it felt so real but I knew it wasn't. Not after I saw him die in front of my eyes. I've been having these hallucinations for a week now.

Am I finally going insane?

"Who said you're insane? " he said as he grabbed my face with both of his hands  and now his face moved closer to me, his pale yellow eyes met mine. It felt real. I could feel his touch, I could see the look in his eyes, it was real.

"You wanna know how I came back alive, right noé?"

I couldn't speak but he spoke for me, my voice was stuck in my throat as he squeezed it and I stopped breathing. My vision was getting dizzy by each second, the smell of blood was overwhelming my senses.

"Lou.....is....." the pressure on my doubled, I stopped breathing as his murderous blood red eyes glared at me, I was petrified to see Louis choking me as his eyes were filled with tears.

"It's so unfair, don't you think? I was killed because of you that day yet nobody showed remorse for my death, nobody even realised I died. You on the other hand, have people who worried about you.

My sister rushed to comfort you instead of mourning for me. If only I had killed you the instant you entered the castle. I would have been alive... I hate you so much noé! You took it all away from me! My life, my sister! Die you bastard! " his grip kept tightening around my neck and all I could do was watch rage in his eyes. He was right, he was killed because of me that day. If only I had been the one who died. 

He wanted to kill me. If that's what he wants then.......

The numbness reached my fingers then to my toes, darkness filled my vision and then all the pain vanished, all the ache was gone as I opened my eyes to be found myself in a void of darkness. It wasn't before I realised who was there right next to me.

" Don't you want to avenge those who tormented your friend? Don't you want to see revenge for him? He died terribly because of someone's selfish needs and yet they have no guilt." it whispered, and I was in a trance of emptiness. If only they hadn't treated him so bad, if only they'd just let him in peace, he wouldn't have hated me so much. The guilt turned into anger as it burned like raging fire in my body at the thoughts of all those people who hurted him.

"I want—" I yelled in anger but a burning sensation made me scream in pain. The shadows around me were stripped to shreds. I gasped as the cool air filled my lungs, it hurted when I breathed, after several harsh coughs I realised I was in my room again at the hotel.

After finally feeling whole jn my body, I looked up to see a lady, with deep red hair staring right at me, seconds later vanitas entered and he was panting as he entered the room. He was trying to comprehend what just happened  just like me.

"How can you leave me all alone to deal with those curse bearers?! And what the hell happened here?! Noé!" he threw a tantrum while the other lady ignored him and walked over to my bed. I gulped because of how intensely she was watching me.

" You're lucky I wasn't a second late or your soul would have become corrupted. Charlatan is getting more vicious each day. " she said, pushing some strands of my hair out of my sight, I could watch my red eyes in her green eyes.

"What do you mean? He's a curse bearer? " vanitas said in a confused voice, his head popped up from beside her as he also examined my face. He frowned and she just lean back.

" More like he was cursed by another vampire, this scent of rotten blood is unique to all the curses and this one is not charlatan's." she said and I was getting even more confused and my head felt heavy again.

" He was under a vampire's spell. I can't believe you didn't notice It is a very powerful one and as of this moment I believe whoever put it on him can easily spy on you, not to mention he can be manipulated to kill you. "

Spell? Could it be.......... ugh!

I grit my teeth in pain, my head was getting more heavy, and all the voices were blurry. I heard nothing but a ringing sound in my head.

As if all of it was a nightmare, I heard fingers snapping twice and all the ache vanished away. I looked up to see vanitas with his eyes widened at the lady. She didn't look shocked as vanitas did.

"I have you a temporary treatment for the spell placed on you noé. Whoever put this on you must really want to break your soul enough for you to accept charlatan's offer. " she talked to me, as she rested her hand on my cheek.

Who was she? What was she doing?

The warmth spread through my body, the trembling subsided as my body finally felt relieved from all the pain. The instant her hand touched my face, all the pain was forgotten and I could feel my dizziness fading away.

She's beautiful green eyes.

The coldness left my body, I stared into her green eyes as she did something magical to my soul. I was so exhausted, dropping my eyes close even though I wanted to keep looking at her. But the exhaustion won and I slept soundly thinking of her.

You're my salvation, noé.

𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 | 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now