Purple Moon

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I don't look familiar within the crowds of vampires swirling in their fancy gowns, jewelries sewn with diamonds as the finest golds enchanting their presence a little more, their red eyes symbolising their belonging in this city. 

This city was invented or per say established for the vampires, all kind.The only kind left here are are red-eyed with a single blood defining their strengths for the rest of their lives,the world revolved around them in this city, oblivious and ignorant as they danced through the grand halls and residing in the castle no knowing the history. 

The anger was in the hearts of us, it wasn't directed towards those who were ignorant of the truth since their births, not having to fight for their rights to live, going on the business and having fun accommodating into public spaces. Jealousy was an understatement of my feelings towards them, I had hatred for those manipulating lords and queen who in the middle of the night washed our breeds simply because of powers.

The one who are born on the night of red moon have specific powers granted and red eyes in their true form — which is the usual cases in the alter Paris. 

The blue moon vampires are on the other hand very special. To be born under moonlight so pale blue was  a beautiful curse and a dream. I had seen on of those vampires, skin representing the darkness of the night with those blue eyes was so enchanting. 

I couldn't help but wonder, why is such a beautiful creation hated by their own. Then I found out myself, the weak are always afraid of strong.

They are always in the certain state of crippling fear, their judgement is defeated by the fear of the strong, morals are thrown down the drains and then when defeated by the fear, the malicious brain control and manipulate to come in power of masses of weakling which indeed becomes powerful. 

It must feel bezare to think that the weak masses might ever defeat a strong bloodline, but it was the truth. Had it no been the truth then we or per say I , the purple moon vampires — born when the blue moon transitioning into red overlaps to be there for one night in centuries  would not be the last individual of my bloodline. The last carrier of the blood of my family, strong individuals who had been murdered, experimented upon and worst of all eradicted over the past few decades and my entire family must be yelling down at me through the heaven's sky — why you must ask?

Because I will be entering those crowds of red moon vampires who gathered into one of great halls, better phrased

Stepping inside the place of blood thirsty killers of my bloodline, for a rumored man just like me but different ally from the past. 

And I won't leave this place without him.

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