Chapter Twenty

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James sighed to himself as he followed Okoye down a dirt path, away from the city and the neighboring farms. He knew it was for everyone's safety, but it still felt like he was being led to, possibly, his death.

He knew it was a stupid thought and that Okoye would never gun him down, but his nerves were getting the best of him these days. The woods felt alive around them as he listened to birds and animals making noise, not caring that they were walking through their home.

"It's not much further, James," Okoye told him. "There's a place to make a fire. We will relax and wait until dusk so you can relax before seeing if what Shuri did, took."

I'm not sure if relaxing will be possible. James only nodded, fearing that his voice would shake if he spoke. He could only follow in behind her and hope for the best, that everything would work out in the end.

When they finally reached their location, Okoye began to gather wood and kindling for a fire. James helped to find some as well, hoping that the mindless work would help to ease his nerves.

As Okoye lit the fire and it crackled to life, James sat on the ground and ran his hands over his face. "I still don't think this will go well."

"I have faith in Shuri. But only time will tell."

James only groaned. "You are not helping my anxiety."

"That's not my job," she said, rather matter of factly. "Shuri is confident that your treatments worked. All we can do is trust that she did her job."

He narrowed his eyes at the overly confident woman. "Thanks."

She nodded, placing another small piece of wood on the fire before taking a seat herself. "Just focus on your breathing. Relax your mind, and your body. You will need all of your energy when we finally put it to the test."

James dropped his head, feeling a cold chill roll over his back. "It's not going to work."

"Do you trust Shuri, James?" Okoye asked sincerely. "I mean really trust her?"

"Of course," he shrugged. "I don't have a reason not to."

"Then why doubt her now?"

"I don't doubt her," James countered. "I... I doubt myself."

Okoye shook her head. "You are a strong, brave, resilient soldier, James. If Shuri did her work correctly, I have no doubt that you will make it through this test."

James swallowed thickly and nodded. He respected Okoye. "Thank you."

"Why don't you meditate for a short time?" she suggested. "Allow yourself to get into the right mindset for the task at hand."

He let out a sigh and nodded as he focused on the fire. "Yeah... okay."

Okoye stood and stepped into the small hut nearby, leaving James to focus on his meditation.

James took deep breaths and closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the fire relax him. His mind cleared as he focused his thoughts on one positive aspect of his life, Willow. He thought of how she made him feel, the love, and pure joy he felt when she was around.

His shoulders relaxed as he thought about having her beside him or curled up around her, lying in bed. Willow made the bad feel... less.

He felt his muscles begin to loosen, as if a weight was being lifted off of him. Focusing on the crackling of the wood, the smell of the fire and smoke, the feel of the light breeze, his body relaxed even more.

After letting out a long breath, he could feel Okoye's presence again, but he didn't move. "Is it dusk yet?"

"Just about," she replied. "Are you ready?"

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