Chapter Three

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Willow woke up groggily and rolled over in bed to check the time. It was three-fifteen in the morning, which made her groan and roll to lay flat on her back. Then she heard it. A distinct faraway sound of distress. James? She sat up and strained her ears, listening intently. There it is again. Is he... screaming?

Climbing out of bed, Willow walked to her bedroom door and opened it, instantly hearing a distressed groan come from down the hallway. She ran her hand over her face before she walked down the dark hallway and through the living room and stood at James's door. After taking a deep breath, she opened it and quietly walked inside, shutting the door behind her.

James tossed in his bed, his head moving side to side, his blanket knocked to the floor. His eyes were screwed shut as he gripped tightly with his human arm onto the sheet, while his metal hand was in a tight fist, resting on his chest. Another groan left his lips as his breathing became shallow.

"What are you seeing behind your eyes, James?" Willow said softly as she assessed the situation. "I know shaking you would be a bad idea..." She huffed and watched him for a little longer before making a decision. "James?" she called. "James Barnes."

His eyes snapped open suddenly, and he looked around frantically, searching for something. When he saw nothing, he relaxed into his pillow, sighing heavily as the grip on his sheets loosened.

"Bucky?" Willow asked once more, this time a little louder. This time James turned his head to look at her. Her heart melted at how scared he looked, so vulnerable, like a frightened child who just got caught doing something wrong. She took slow, cautious steps towards him, and when they were only feet apart, she stopped. "I'm here. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," Willow told him. She could see the tears brimming in James' eyes as he tried to stop them from falling, but they kept coming, streaming down his cheeks.

He looked up at her, his blue eyes still wide with fear. He started trying to speak but couldn't get the words out.

"No talking. Just breathe. Come on Bucky. In and out slowly." He listened carefully to her instructions, and soon enough, his breathing returned to somewhat closer to normal. "Can you tell me what happened?" she questioned gently.

James closed his eyes and swallowed. He shook his head no before opening his eyes to look up at her, tears still leaking from his eyes. Willow nodded, placed her hands on his shoulders, and helped him sit up. James held his arms in front of himself as he moved, wrapping them around his waist while leaning against the headboard. He let out a shaky breath and then another, and eventually, he felt better. The tension eased away as he breathed normally once more.

After what felt like hours but could have only been a few minutes, Willow broke the silence, "How about a shower? You can wash yourself off and get some more sleep. We'll talk about everything in the morning." Willow placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eye to make sure he wasn't panicking anymore.

He was silent for several seconds before he nodded his head, giving a slight smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. He reached forward and wrapped his metal arm around her waist, pulling her in and squeezing her tightly, burying his face in her stomach.

Willow wrapped both arms around him and laid her cheek atop his head. Tears fell from her eyes as she began to rub small circles in his back. James squeezed her tighter and sobbed into her stomach, not sure if he would ever feel safe or comfortable in his own home again. Or anywhere else, for that matter. "You're okay James. You're okay."

Warmth spread throughout Willow's body as she held him close. She knew he needed comfort right now, and she was happy to provide it. She rubbed his back and continued to whisper comforting words to him until he calmed down. When he finally pulled away, he wiped his eyes and sniffled. He gave her a weak smile and nodded his head.

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