Chapter Fifteen

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As Willow took stock of herself in the mirror, she felt butterflies raging in her stomach. It was so high school of her to be feeling that way, but that was the way James made her feel. Carefully she smoothed her hands over the gorgeous champagne dress that sparkled with well-placed accents of gems or sequins. It had a somehow perfectly fitted bodice with accent straps that fell off of her shoulders and rested instead on her biceps.

Her hair was pulled loosely back into a braided bun, stray wavy pieces released around her face. Leaning into the mirror, she finished applying a layer of rose-colored lipstick before she gave herself a nod. "Not bad, Price," she murmured to herself.

Meanwhile in the next room, James was smoothing out the jacket of his suit as he stared at himself in the mirror. He smiled at his reflection, looking at his freshly styled hair. "I can't wait to see her..."

Will finally pulled herself away from the mirror and exhaled through her nervous energy as she moved to pick up her phone from the bed to text James.

Willow: How's it going over there? I think I'm ready.

James: I think I am ready, myself. Steve just left to greet arriving guests. Are you ready to do a reveal?

Will smiled warmly to herself, cheeks surely blushing.

Willow: I'm ready if you are. How do you want to do it? We both step out in the hall, or you come to my door?

James: I can step into the living room, and you can step out to greet me?

Willow: Sure. See you soon.

James stepped out of the bathroom and straightened his suit jacket, turning to look at himself in the full-length mirror. He smiled at his reflection, for once happy with what he saw. Looking down at his phone a moment before taking a deep breath and putting it in his pocket. "Willow?" he called. "Come and see me, doll."

His voice pulled Willow's eyes closed, a flurry of nerves in her belly, but she exhaled once more as she smoothed her hands over the fabric one more time. With a nod to herself, she stepped out of the bedroom and as her eyes settled on James, her jaw nearly dropped open.

Turning at the sound of the bedroom door opening, James felt his mouth go dry as he slowly looked her up and down. "You shine like the night sky," he murmured.

Instantly her face softened into a girlish smile and bit her lip nervously as she took a few steps out of the bedroom and closer to him. "Bring some sparkle to your midnight black," she remarked.

He walked up and reached out for her hand before gently pulling her to him. "You look absolutely beautiful, doll."

Her hand rested on his chest and nearly swooned as she moved against him. "Thank you, handsome," she nearly purred. "You look like you stepped off a runway."

James smiled down at her before gently tipping her head back so he could kiss her. "I can't wait to show you off."

His kiss nearly took her breath away and she smiled dreamily up at him when he pulled away. "You're making me weak in the knees. You might have to carry me," she murmured with a soft laugh.

He chuckled as he nuzzled his nose against hers before slowly kissing her again, wrapping both arms loosely around her waist. "I'd carry you anywhere," he whispered.

There was a quiet intensity in these moments between them. She could hear her heart beating in her ears, the blood rushing through her veins. She reached up and rested her hands on either side of his face, staying close to him. "I'm a little breathless..."

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