Chapter Seven

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Two months quickly flew by, and before Willow knew it, December was upon them. She sat on the couch, typing away on her laptop, going through various emails while James did push-ups on the floor in front of her. "James?" she called, knowing he was listening to her. "Have you ever celebrated Christmas?"

James grunted in response before he finally laid on the floor, on his stomach, to catch his breath. "Not since... the forties... why?" he asked.

"You enjoyed the little Thanksgiving we had, so I was thinking of decorating the apartment and celebrating Christmas. Would that be okay?" Willow asked.

"I still wish Steve could have been here for Thanksgiving," James murmured as he rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

Willow smiled softly. "I know you do. But at least he could join us on a video chat for a little while."

"Yeah, it was good to see his face. It's hard to believe that he's still going on missions after everything that's happened," James said, a sigh on his lips.

"He does run the VA meetings when he's not working," Willow told him. "I could take you to one if you ever want to go."

James shrugged as he continued to stare up at the ceiling. "I don't know. I always thought those things were just strange."

Willow moved her laptop to the side and looked down at James. "It's up to you. I wouldn't make you go to one. I just figured that if Steve was leading a meeting, it would be a bit easier." She watched as James turned to lay on his side and look at her. "I can do the same as what's done in those meetings here."

"I think I would like being here better... it's become home," James replied. "Is that weird?"

"No," Willow shook her head. "Of course not. I'm glad you feel comfortable here. It's a good thing, James."

James nodded once before he turned his attention back to the ceiling. Willow watched as a soft smile grew on his face. She couldn't help but smile as well as she got up off of the couch and headed towards the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink after your workout?" Willow asked as she put on some kettle water to make tea.

"Water is fine," came James' reply. He waited until a few minutes later, Willow walked into the living room with a mug of hot tea for herself and a bottle of water for him. "Thank you," James said as she handed him the bottle of water and took a sip from her own mug. James opened the cap to his bottle of water and drank from it as she took a seat next to him on the floor. "So... when did you want to decorate?" James asked.

"Today is good," Willow responded before taking a small sip of her tea. "Do you mind helping me with the decorations?"

James let out a laugh. "Of course I'll help. Do you pick out a real tree or artificial?"

"We could do either one. I'd have to buy a stand for a real tree, but I do love the smell of pine," Willow answered, then took a sip of her tea.

"Well... should we go shopping for a tree then?" James asked.

Willow smiled and nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. I hope you know you're helping to get it up here, though," she smirked.

James rolled his eyes and nodded. "I do."


Willow and James bundled up and made the venture outside before having to take a car to the nearest Christmas tree farm. When they climbed out of the back of the car, James looked around the area, instantly surveying it.

"Relax, James," Willow soothed. She looped her arm through his and led the way towards the concession.

"Well hello!" An older gentleman greeted Willow and James as they walked up to him. "I assume you're here to pick out a tree?"

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