Chapter-4 Make out

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Freya's POV
"I dare you to make out with Pietro." Nat said to me and Steve shook his head. Pietro smirked "She wouldn't do that." Steve said and I chuckled, I felt this urge to prove him wrong "Watch me, Cap." I went and sat on Pietro's lap, he grabbed my waist and pulled me in.

Our lips touched and it became passionate, I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hand moved from my shoulders to my waist and he pulled me even more closer to him. I slowly pulled away after sometime and he was breathless. He was actually a good kisser. "I want one." Tony said and I chuckled.

"Want to do it again?" Pietro asked me. Before I could reply Wanda came in "Guys! We have an urgent mission. We have to go now!" Wanda announced and everyone groaned. Then she looked at me and Pietro "Freya, what are you doing on my brother's lap?" she asked "Nothing."

"Now, I wouldn't call that nothing." he said, I hit his shoulder and chuckled a little "Come on, we have a mission." I said and got up "Yeah, we'll see how capable you are when you have your tongue in Pietro's mouth" Steve scoffed and I couldn't believe it. Was he jealous?  "Jealousy doesn't suit you, Cap." Sam patted his back

"Oh trust me Captain. You have no idea how capable I am" I replied "You've got 5 minutes, suit up." Steve looked at me and winked, my heart skipped a beat. How does he have this hold on me? We all got ready and left for the mission

Freya's suit:

Author's POV At the Battle field:All the Avengers except Freya and Wanda went into the battle field and started fighting

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Author's POV
At the Battle field:
All the Avengers except Freya and Wanda went into the battle field and started fighting. Freya and Wanda were part of phase 2 of the plan and they had to wait for Steve's command to attack.

After a while, the fight escalated "Freya and Wanda, phase 2 is a go!" he said over comms and they started fighting

Freya's POV
Steve gave us the go, Wanda and I started fighting. I started blasting all the soldiers I saw and made my way to Thor "This is just like the good old days" I told Thor and he smiled "Maybe not as fun but yes, just like the good old days" he replied.

Suddenly, I saw a soldier about to throw a bomb at us, I immediately kicked him and knocked him down "I see you haven't lost your touch." he grinned "How would I be the most powerful Asgardian if I did." I replied

"Go to the left side, I've got it covered here" "You're commanding me now?" I asked "Not commanding, suggesting" he smiled "Fine I'll go" I headed to the left side of the field where Nat and Steve were fighting. I started blasting all the agents when suddenly one jumped on me from the back.

I punched him the face and knocked him down. We continued to fight and all the agents were down when I saw one, he was aiming a rifle to shot Steve "Steve! Watch out!" I pushed him down and I fell on him.

Our faces were inches away. We stared at each other not moving at all, that was the first time I noticed his ocean-blue eyes. "Hey! Will you guys get up?" Nat's voice broke me out of my trance,

"Yeah, we'll get up" he got up and helped me up "Cap, I think we got a keeper" Tony said through comms and I swear I saw a smile ghost Steve's face.

Author's POV
The mission was a success. They all got back to the compound "Are all your missions like this?" Freya asked Nat "Not always, some are small and sometimes way bigger than this." she replied sitting on the couch

"You were incredible out there Freya" Tony went up to them "Thanks Tony but that's what I have been saying since I got here, now if you will excuse me, I am going to change and then head to bed" she left the room

"Your sister might be better than you Thor" Wanda said to him "She is more powerful than me but I'm stronger, physically and mentally" Thor said looking down "What do you mean by that?" Pietro asked

"Freya is very sensitive, that's the reason I told Fury about her. Ever since Loki died she hasn't been her usual self and would just train all day" Thor just sighed "Let's all get some sleep, we all need it" Steve told everyone and they all agreed and headed to their rooms.


Author's Note: Freya and Pietro made out. Was Steve really jealous? Freya and Steve locked eyes. What's gonna happen next?

                      Read on to find out and don't forget to vote 💜

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