Chapter-13 How?

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Author's POV
8 Months Later:
Freya, Clint and the kids were hanging out in the backyard. Freya was teaching Lila how to fence "You ready Lila?" Freya asked her "Hell yeah!" Lila replied. They started fencing, and Lila and Freya were 2:2. "Wanna give up?" Freya asked her

"Is it because you're losing?" Lila cross-questioned her "You realise you are talking to the best Asgardian warrior right?" "We'll see about that." They started fencing again and Freya won "No fair" Lila pouted "All is fair in fencing my dear" Freya hugged Lila "But you have improved"

"Thanks, Freya" Lila said to her and Clint walked up to them "Yeah, thanks for teaching her to fence" Clint told her "My pleasure, she is a quick learner. Most Asgradians take a year to learn, you learned pretty fast" Freya told both of them "Guys! Hotdogs are ready!" Laura called them

At the Compound:
Nat and Wanda returned from their trip to Italy. "Welcome back" Sam hugged Nat and Wanda "Good to have you girls back. How was your trip?" Tony asked them "Amazing and where are the rest of the guys?" Wanda asked Tony

"Pietro went on a mission and Thor and Loki went to Asgard for some reason" Tony replied "Guys, we have company" Bruce walked in "Who is it?" Sam asked him "It might be better to see for yourself, come on in guys" Bruce called, Steve and Bucky walked in. Everyone was shocked "This is impossible" Sam said in shock

"Steve?" Nat asked and Bucky started explaining "After we both fell, I was able to get out and I was able to get him out too. The people of Wakanda found us and took us to their country and helped us but Steve's scan showed some brain damage, he lost his memories of the past year. He woke up from a coma 2 days back I've told him everything but a year's worth of memories has been lost"

"Does that mean you don't remember Freya?" Wanda asked him "Who's Freya?" he asked

At the Barton's Farm:
Clint received a text from Nat. "What is it, Clint?" Freya asked him "They want you back at the compound" Clint replied "For what?" she asked "It doesn't say" Clint replied

"No! I don't want Freya to go" Lila said sadly "Yeah, me too" Copper agreed "Guys I'll miss you too but they might need me" Freya tried to reason with them "Fine but promise you will visit us" Lila asked her and "You have my word" Freya promised

Freya's POV
I packed my bags, said goodbye to everyone and left for the compound. "Hey guys, why did you..." I paused when I saw Steve and stood there in shock "Steve... It's really you" I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran and hugged him but he didn't hug me back and just looked at me.

I separated from him "Why are you looking at me like I am a stranger" I asked him "Freya come, I'll explain everything" Nat tried to pull me away from him "Steve, say something please" I begged him "I don't know who you are?" he said and my heart sank.

"No! We were just falling in love. Please, don't forget me" I caressed his face with my hands "Look into my eyes" he looked into my eyes blankly "I'm sorry ma'am"

"Oh my goodness" I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to another room and Wanda and Nat followed me "Freya.." "What am I supposed to do now? I don't even know how to act around him" I asked crying and Nat hugged me.

"He is exactly how he was when we first met!" "I still can't believe he's alive" Wanda admitted "We just need to be patient, maybe he'll  remember," Nat told us

A few hours later:
I was alone in the kitchen, Steve entered and started staring at me "Why are staring at me?" I asked him "I'm curious" he replied, "About what?"

"About how I-we fell in love" he uttered "Love/Hate relationship I would say" I said without looking at him "After Peggy, I swore I would never love again," he told me.

"But you did" I dropped the plate in the sink "Did what?" he asked me confused "You loved me. The mind may forget but the heart never forgets. I believe....your heart still remembers me"

"It's hard to remember something you never had" he argued "Never had!? You know what? I can't with this bullshit today" I walked out of the room


Author's POV: Steve and Bucky are back but Steve has lost 1 year of his memory and doesn't remember Freya anymore. How will Freya handle this? What's going to happen between them now?

                    Read on to find out and don't forget to vote 💜

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