Chapter 6 Battle of New York

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Freya's POV
At the Battle field:
I escaped from the others and made my way to Loki, who was up on Stark Tower. "Look who it is" Loki said, looking at me. "Stop this attack, Loki, this isn't you and innocent people will die."

I tried pleading with him, I didn't want to fight my brother but if it meant saving the city, then I would have no choice "This is just the start, sister. The Master wants you, wants you to join us." "

That's not going to happen. " I started fighting with him, and after some time, I was able to grab the scepter away from him. "Freya, what are you doing here? What am I doing here?" he asked, looking confused.

"I'm sorry for this, brother." I knocked him out, and Clint shot the remaining aliens on Stark Tower. He reported back to Steve, and Nat told us to take Loki back to the compound.

Steve's POV
At the battlefield:
We all were fighting the aliens, and Clint was on air strike when I noticed Freya was not with us. "Where is Freya?" I asked everyone on comms "Don't see her" Tony replied on comms

"I found her, she's on Stark Tower, she's fighting with Loki" Clint replied on comms "After I told her not to" I sighed, this girl will drive me mental one day but I can't stop worrying about her for some reason

"One more thing about my sister Captain, she listens to no one, that even includes our father" Thor told him "Clint, kill the remaining aliens around her and bring Loki in" Nat told Clint over comms

"You got it" Clint headed to Stark Tower. After some time, he reported back, "We got him Cap" "Get him to the Compound and lock him up" I instructed him. "Copy that."

Author's POV
At the Compound:
The war was over, and the Avengers were back at the compound. Just then, Freya walked into the room with Tony. "Freya managed to break the possession over him, but he is saying he doesn't remember anything he's done, Thor went now to see him." Tony told everyone.

"What are you playing at Freya?" Steve stood up and asked her angrily."Here we go" Sam sighed. "Why are you being so dramatic? It's done, and that's all that matters " she argued back, she hated it whenever he made a big fuss about things

"You could have died. " Steve was getting really angry and annoyed. He might find her annoying but it would kill him if anything happened to her.

"You really underestimate my power, Rogers," she replied back. "We are supposed to be a team, Freya. We work together. That's how the Avengers work" he told her sternly. He hated that she always used the 'my power' card for all her stupid decisions.

"Team as in we all hide under your shield, is that it? You are controlling, and you always underestimate me, and for what? Tell me, Rogers! why?"" she asked him angrily.

Freya hated that he was controlling and underestimated her but she knew there had to be a reason "Why?! Because the last time I did nothing, I watched the woman I loved get herself killed trying to save my life!" he yelled.

Tears were forming in his eyes and everyone looked at him sympathetically. "I am sorry that happened Cap, but you should know that I am not her. I can take care of myself." she stroked his cheek to wipe his tears.

"And don't cry, you look better when you're smiling or sighing about my dumb decisions" Steve chuckled and she smiled. As much as she hated him, she could never see him hurt


Author's note: Loki has been caught, but he is saying he doesn't remember anything. Freya and Steve got into a heated argument but then it smoothed over with some comforting . Does Loki really not remember anything, or is this another trick by the God of Mischief?

Read on to find out, and don't forget to vote💜

ASGARDIAN LOVE [Steve Rogers and Freya Odindaughter]Where stories live. Discover now