Chapter-7 Trust

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Thor's POV
I went to see Loki "Look who it is, the brother who left me for dead" he said "I didn't know you were alive, Loki" I admitted, I'm still processing that he is actually alive and Freya walked in

"Enough games brother" she told him sternly. He sighed and removed the illusion over his cell "We will help you get better, brother," I told him. "So better that you had the lock me up here" he responded.

"You tried to kill me, brother, so it's necessary" Freya replied. "Why would I kill you? You are my sister, and I told you I don't remember anything " he said, looking straight at Freya

"I sense grief, anger, and hurt, you're broken," she said, looking at him.
He looked at her sadly. "Locking him up is not a good idea. Let him out," she told me.

"You have become smart, my sister," he said, looking at her."You won't get any freedom brother, you will stick with me" she told him, and he chuckled."Like the good old days I see"

Author's POV
Freya and Thor walked into the living room with Loki. "Freya, mind explaining why this screw loose is standing in front of me?" Tony asked her, and everyone looked up and saw Loki."I am not getting involved!" Thor said loudly

"Loki will be with me. We will need his help considering someone possessed him and we don't know who" Freya told everyone and Steve looked directly at Loki

"I have been meaning to get my hands on you" he said getting closer to Loki, he wanted to strangle Loki for what he did to New York and especially what he could've done to Freya

"If you want to ask my sister out, you can. I can sense the sexual tension between the both of you" Loki told him, Freya glared at him and Nat held Steve back because she knew he would blow.

"Steve, calm" "I'm going to kill him" he said."That's enough! We don't have time for this, grow up!" Freya told him clearly annoyed, she couldn't believe her brother and Steve were acting like little children

"So we are just supposed to trust him?" Sam asked Freya."No, you trust me.. just me, " she replied."No one look at me, we are not even related by blood, " Thor told everyone

"Freya is not related to me by blood, but at least she still cares about me," Loki snapped at Thor. Loki was already having a hard time and his brother was making it worse.

"Do I have to tell my elder brothers to grow up as well?!" she glared at them."No!" they said in unison. They knew first-hand not to get on their sister's bad side

"Good or next time I'll turn the both of you into ashes, " she told them, and they both gulped. Even if she was their younger sister, they were scared of her.


Author's note: Freya believes Loki is telling the truth. Loki says he senses sexual tension between her and Steve. Can the Avengers trust Loki? What will happen between Freya and Steve?

Read on to find out, and don't forget to vote 💜

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