Chapter-21 Coma

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Steve's POV
We rushed Freya to Dr. Reed Richards, he took her to the emergency room and asked Nat and I to wait outside.

3 hours later, the Avengers arrived and Bucky was holding Sharon by the collar. "What is she doing here?" Nat asked disgusted "She's the snitch" Bucky replied "What do you mean snitch?" I asked confused

"She was recruited by the Master. After he found out you were still alive, he sent Sharon to distract you so you wouldn't interfere when they wanted to kill Freya" Bucky replied and I didn't know what to think.

Nat slapped her "I knew there was something wrong about you" "Enough chitchat, where is my sister?" Thor asked looking around and Dr.Richards came out of the emergency room "How is she, Reed?" Nat asked

"She is fine but.." "But what?" Thor interrupted "She is currently in a coma" I couldn't believe my ears "How is she fine if she is in a coma!" I burst out. Reed toke a step back and Nat pulled me back "Steve,calm"

"How can I be calm Nat? The woman I love is in a coma" I said and everyone looked at me in shock "The woman you love? Did you get your memories back?" Wanda asked

"I did and Dr Richards, sorry for the aggression" I apologised "Don't, it's understandable" he replied  "How long will she be in a coma?" Thor asked "We don't know for sure because she's a goddess. Her healing capacity is more then ours but approximately a week"

The next morning:
"Hello handsome" Sharon said as I walked in to the cellar "What does this Master or Thanos want with Freya?" I asked her directly "Straight to the point I see and if you are asking this question it means you remember"

"I do, now why don't you answer my question!" "He wanted to recruit her but after seeing everything and learning about her character, he knew she would never join him and he decided to eliminate her so she wouldn't be a threat to what he was doing" she replied

"Doing what?" "He wants to whip out half of the universe's population and for that he needs the infinity stones. He has 4, he only needs the sceptre and tesseract" "Why the tesseract and sceptre?" I asked scared of what this Thanos might do to the universe

"The tesseract is the space stone and the sceptre contains the mind stone, they are the last infinity stones left. He is probably already at Asgard retrieving the tesseract as we speak so you better inform Thor" she said smirking and I got scared

I ran to the Avengers "We have a problem" "What is it?" Sam asked and before I could answer "Is the problem Thanos attacking Asgard?" we turned around and saw Loki covered in blood and dust "Brother, what happened?" Thor asked looking at him in horror

"Thanos attacked Asgard. He toke the tesseract and mother is.." "Mother is what brother?" Thor asked looking scared "Mother is gone.... forever" he said sadly and Thor walked up to him

"What do you mean gone?" "She was guarding the door to the room where we kept the tesseract.. and he...he killed her to get in" said Loki, he's voice was breaking "He is coming to Earth next to get the mind stone" "This is going to be the fight of our lives" Nat said "And we are going to win" I added

"Loki do you know when he will attack?" Wanda asked "Tonight" he replied "Then let's get ready to fight that bastard. Tony store the sceptre somewhere safe where no one can find it. The rest of you, get ready for the fight of our lives. Remember, we will do whatever it takes" I said.


Author's note: Freya is in a coma. The Avengers know Thanos' plan. Thanos attacked Asgard and killed Frigga. Will Freya be okay? Will the Avengers be able to defeat Thanos?

Read on to find out and don't forget to vote 💜

ASGARDIAN LOVE [Steve Rogers and Freya Odindaughter]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt