"How the fuck would I do that? I'll be mesmerised."

"He won't know how to do it yet, you'll have time. He should snap right out of it." She tells me, I nod a little.

I think I could hold up pretty well against an amateur vampire. But I really wouldn't like to find out.

"Shall we go in?" She asks, then kisses my forehead gently

"Yeah, okay. I love you."

"I love you too baby, you'll be great in there."

"I hope you're right." I tell her, she just rolls her eyes at me and doesn't bother to argue it, to show me that it's too silly to argue.

I go in expecting a house party but what I walk into is certainly not that. Instead, the atmosphere is smooth and has Rob written all over it. It's just adults drinking red wine to music... at least, I think it's red wine.

I feel slightly calmer. I know that if I drink I'll be able to talk to these adults exceptionally well.

"Do you think we can source some vodka? I don't wanna drink wine."

"I'm not sure that's wine, baby.." she mutters, leading me to the kitchen to get a drink. When we get there, we see that we've ran into her dad, Rob.

"Marina, nice to see you." Rob smiles, warmly. Then he shakes my hand. It all takes me by surprise because I swear he wasn't in front of me a second ago.

"Oh, nice to see you too Rob. Thank you for inviting me." I try to be as polite as possible. Lafina brought me up that way.

"No problem. Just enjoy the night and if you're hungry help yourself to whatever you like, it's not like we're gonna eat it." He jokes, I kind of laugh

"Well.." I'm lost for words. It's kind of daunting knowing that everyone here could eat me.

"Dad you're being too vampirey.." Lizzy tells him, he just smiles

"I think she can handle it. I'm proud of how good she's been about it." He compliments me. It's strange having a father figure be kind to me, my own dad treats me like I'm invisible.

"Thank you" I smile too.

I really do like Rob, and I love how he was there for Lizzy when she needed him. He gave her an eternal second chance at life, it's very admirable.

"Just be careful around Charlie, he shouldn't do anything to you but he only turned a couple weeks ago." He reiterates "Human blood is very irresistible at first."

"I'll um.. try to stay clear of him." I tell him, he nods

"Good idea. Enjoy the party, girls." Rob smiles and then leaves.

"I'm sorry if he scared you baby.. Let's get you a drink."

"Yes let's.." I mumble. She pours me a vodka lemonade. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome." She replies, taking my hand. The party isn't so busy, but enough to bring a busy energy to the often empty house. "Look, that's my brother over there." She points to a blonde boy across the room.

He's definitely heard us talking about him, because his head sort of turns. He's a good looking boy, probably only just 17. Good looks definitely run in the Grant family. He's pale like Lizzy due to his vampirism, and his eyes are dark like hers too.

"So I just.. stay away?" I ask, feeling very much like prey.

"We just stay away." She corrects, letting me know that I'm not going to be alone. I nod a little. "Let's just go up to my room and hang out for a while."

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