Chapter 14: A New Beginning

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They'd been on this journey for almost three days when they finally arrived on BG-001; the spaceport was a single docking station. Trading BG-367 a rich colony with prosperous employment and corporate wealth, for a backwater piece of garbage felt like a bad deal. However Arran knew at least here he and his xeno lovers wouldn't have to worry about Weyland or the company's reach. The shuttle pulled in slowly and with a thunderous metal clang the ship docked; it was a quick scramble for Arran to help people with their luggage until a path was clear for Arran's containers. The crew, captain and Arran himself pushed and pulled the huge boxes off the ship and down the ramp to the solid metal base of the station. Then as the ship departed from the station and the passengers went their separate ways, they left Arran and his xeno companions with nobody around while also being in total silence. Arran knew he'd be unable to move the containers around on his own without breaking something so he opened the front doors and let the girls out.

Arran then heard from Leala; that was a long journey, my tail is practically numb with the length of time I was in that box. Zathena then continued by asking Arran in a very tired sounding voice; yeah, my feet have gone numb. Arran how come it took so long? We were cooped up in there for days. Before Arran could answer the two girls, they stretched themselves out like cats when they're tired. Leala shook around a bit like a dog while Zathena had her two upper claws way out in front of her on the ground with her feet back and ass sticking up in the air, her tail was also raised way above her head. In awe of the sight Arran couldn't help but admire the wonderful feminine display, he finally regained his proper composure and said, "The eh… The journey took so long because we travelled an enormous distance, across whole other planets to get here." Continuing their stretching the girls didn't seem too interested in the explanation, they were just glad to be out of those boxes. Arran then sat down on the floor and basked in the atmosphere of these wondrous females, they were addictive to look at, especially this display Arran was witnessing.

When they'd finished they joined Arran on the metal floor, they sat either side of him and just leaned into Arran's shoulders. This relaxation time couldn't last though as they were in a docking station; a quiet one but a station nonetheless, any minute someone would come along and see the two xenos with Arran. They couldn't stay so Arran and the girls got up; they asked Arran about what they were going to do, he had a plan but not a great one. Aside from the isolation of the company, BG-001 was Arran's first combat assignment; while on said mission he'd encountered a village under attack by a terrorist organisation. He had helped a number of the village's populace survive the attack; for his help in saving her two sons a woman told Arran if he ever needed help she'd be more than grateful for a chance to repay him. Arran hoped with any luck she'd still be around and that he and his xeno girls could find some refuge in her home.

The three of them travelled for hours across dirt roads and dull, wet forests before coming to a village Arran suspected was the one they were after. Just out of sight Arran signalled the two girls to climb up a couple of trees and stay hidden, at the same time he entered the village to see if the woman he saved was still living here. His footsteps were heavy as he cautiously approached the village centre, thick mud covered the ground and the grey weather made the village seem bleak. At that moment just as he reached what seemed like the middle of the village, six armoured trucks pulled up and about twenty armed militia pointed guns at Arran. Of them a large man in full military grade gear stepped forward, he spoke in a very rough African accent, "Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" Arran spoke nervously and replied, "I'm looking for a place to stay, I'm on the run from the company." The tall man paused for a minute; he looked down and then straight back up again, finally he returned speech "I know you… You're that fugitive Weyland Yutani is after. What did you do you make the big man himself so pissed?" Arran was so scared he couldn't respond, he just froze up, his mouth was dry and his throat was hoarse.

The leader looked to his men and moved his arm down signifying to them to lower their weapons. Once they stopped pointing the guns at Arran he felt much better, still nervous but capable of speech. Eventually he responded in a broken voice "I…I stole something from Weyland's lab." To which the leader replied with another question, "What did you steal?" Arran contemplated whether or not to tell this obvious threat about Zathena and Leala but these guys, whoever they were, they hated Weyland and his company. So Arran decided to be completely honest with the leader and hope for the best, "I stole a xenomorph from the BG-367 Weyland Yutani facility, and another came to me willingly." Arran was shocked by what happened next, the leader just burst into laughter. Then like a wave of humour the other armed men followed with sniggering and engaging laughter of their own, finally the leader stopped and exclaimed humorously to Arran, "Oh, that's a good one. You expect me, to believe, that you, you, tamed a xeno. Ha, ha, ha…"

Arran hadn't a clue how to answer this response but before he could return speech the leader asked Arran, "I tell you what. How about you, call your xenos here. If they come, you and your xenos can stay in one of our refugee camps. Deal?" Thinking about it for a few seconds Arran replied "Deal. But when they come don't shoot at them, they'll harm you if you attack them. Understand that." The leader nodded and his men gathered behind him to see this sight, to them it was quite amusing. Arran then called out, "Zathena! Leala! It's ok, you can come here!" Nothing seemed to happen for a minute so the leader assumed Arran was just insane, but then two black slender figures rushed onto a couple of the village house roofs. A few men became overwhelmed with fear and shot at the xenos to which the leader pulled the gun out of his hands and exclaimed, "Don't shoot you stupid fuck!" After hiding away for a few seconds the xenos came down to Arran and the leader's level. To this revelation the leader looked to Arran and said in a smug way, "You actually were telling the truth."

Once the soldiers got accustomed to the presence of the two xenomorphs they held much better composure, but they were all still on edge. Arran then piped up again and asked them, "You gonna help us or not?" The leader responded by saying to his men "Get in your trucks but leave my truck for our new guests!" Arran, Zathena and Leala boarded the leader's truck; then the collection of vehicles sped off down a dirt road. On the way Arran and the leader were talking about their arrangements, mainly how he was the leader of a resistance against the Weyland Yutani Corporation, and how they intend to take Weyland down by showing off the illegal practices done by them to the USSC. While Arran was in with the leader talking about that, Zathena and Leala where having a conversation of their own.

Where are we going? Why is Arran talking to that strange man? Leala asked, Zathena responded dismissive of Leala's tone; I don't know, but Arran has always done what was best for us, I trust him. Leala was surprised at Zathena's blind faith in Arran, a human after all. What if he intends to betray us, or kill us, or… Send us back to those other men. What then? Zathena was shocked Leala would even suggest such a thought; Arran loves us, he wouldn't hurt us to save himself. He fought for me and I'm sure he'd do the same for you. Leala wasn't sure how to respond to Zathena but another thought crossed her mind; what if he meets someone else and just discards us? What if the hive we're going to has a Queen or other females? What about that? The thought of a female taking Arran away was too much for Zathena to take, so she grabbed Leala and forced her to the floor of the truck. Zathena growled viciously at Leala and clawed at her face; don't you ever say something like that again, ever! Leala replied in a very submissive tone to Zathena; I'm sorry, it's just, you and I both know how cruel human creatures are. And I'm just afraid Arran would desert us, you understand don't you? You felt their cruelty. Zathena thought back to her time in chains, she screeched and screamed before pulling herself off of Leala. Leala then sat beside Zathena and the two of them just held each other, Leala was worried cause of the humans she'd encountered and Zathena was upset at the thought of Arran being taken away from her.

Meanwhile, Arran was worried so had asked to get in the back with his lovers, the leader agreed so they stopped and Arran got in the back. He was mildly at odds with the two girls just hugging together so he asked cheerfully, "What's going on? You two alright?" No words or sounds came to Arran, instead the two girls invited him to join them and they all pertained in a sensual soft hug to one another. Leala across his lap, Zathena leaning on Arran's left shoulder and him with his arms around both of them. Arran gently kissed each of them of the top of their smooth head and held them close, to this the girls let out subtle purring and moaning to Arran. He then sat back on the wooden seat of the truck and just lay their confident that they were home free. They sat hugging each other until they reached their destination; it was a bit of a rundown old mining town. It may have been old, it may have been subpar than what they had before but it was now a home they could peacefully live in.

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